Dorm E for Unaffiliates

Draig followed the mist trail all the way until he made it to a rundown looking building, he doubted it at first until he channeled his Deva energy into the emblem and confirmed this was in fact the dorm he would be staying in. The Feratu felt like he had been played, all the other building's he had been able to see looked like they were newly built but this one looked as if it had been standing for at least a century.

'What is the meaning of this' wondered Draig as he stepped into the decrepit Dorm.

He followed the cobblestone path until he walked into the main building  and saw a lazy looking man sitting their waiting with a few other people.

Upon locking eyes with Draig the lazy looking man seemed to perk up.

"Look alive everyone, we have a newbie" laughed the man joyously causing everyone else to just look at Draig and give half hearted greetings.

"This is Dorm E" asked Draig causing the man to smile and nod.