Confusion Continues

'What the Fuck. . . .' thought Draig not understanding what he had done to receive this kind of look from a stranger.

"I found you at last, you little lecher. To lay hands upon the Granddaughter of one revered as a God, do you wish for death" called Lord Asura like some sort of Hero of Justice.

Draig in his hybrid form couldn't form the proper expression to react to the accusation nor the lunacy of the situatioin, that is until he realized what was said and cast a look to Chidori as he realized this girl had in fact told her Grandfather that he had groped her.

Chidori however was in a state of complete shock as she was hugged by the man she knew as Grandfather, this was the person who was harder on her than anyone else even demons but now here he was like she was a precious flower. The situation didn't fit anything she knew about this person, it was concerning to say the least but she didn't know how to respond as she held a healthy fear of the man.