Task at Hand pt2

Draig didn't spend much time dawdling on his journey to the base of the Dark Deva who had stolen the egg, he wished to finish this task set forth by the Emperor quickly in order to give him more time abroad. He still held a contract with the Emperor that was only voided upon the old Man's death, seeing as he was alive again that meant the contract held true still.

To the Feratu this was like an anchor chaining him to the Subarashi dynasty, if he could then he wouldn't return again for the rest of his life unless it was to burn the Capital to the ground. With the Contract in place the Emperor could have Draig do any number of things which would end up involving him in the Subarashi's personal affairs. If possible he didn't wish to have any association with the Dynasty as a whole, thus he had made up his mind and now stood in a hazardous and wicked looking area.