Chapter 48: The Birth of the Ultimate Girl-Group (Part 2)

'What does he want us to do?' I asked myself.

Jinwoo then began to explain.

"That's it. I want you to pick the eight girls who you think should be in the group. And add in the reason why. That's the last mission."

At that, everyone gave a look of understanding and nodded.

I raised my hand.

"Can we also include ourselves?" I asked.

Jinwoo nodded.

"Of course," he answered.

Then he added, "I want you to pick the eight members that you think will truly add to the group."

"Don't just base it off your personal feelings," Mi-hyang added from the back.

Maybe since because it was live, her face didn't look as pissed as she usually did.

"Okay, let's bring out the desk."

At that, the staff members brought up desks and chairs for us and laid them out in a straight line on stage. We all took our seats.

A pen and paper was placed on each desk and we began to think about which of the girls should be in the final eight.
