Chapter 54: A Round with Lil Sniper (Part 1)

Gina Kim vs Minji Joo vs Ha-jeong Lee.

Instead of picking the winner, the judges picked the loser. And sadly, it was Gina. A lot of her lines had ended abruptly and she stuttered a lot, so it was no surprise. If she had a stronger mindset, she may have been able to deal with it better, so that really sucks. Personally, I thought Gina had been the best out of all three of them. Anyways, that concluded another rap battle. Now, it was between me and Mine Boo.

"Go, Sian…"

Christine said quietly as I got up from my seat. I tilted my head at her.

'Why is she suddenly acting like this?'

Well, whatever. That's not important right now. I stepped onto the stage, Mine Boo right behind me. We stood next to each other.

"Get ready to pee your pants, you brat," Mine Boo whispered to me.

I just smiled at me. We'll see who ends up peeing in the end.

"This is your first time seeing each other, right?" Jongmin asked us. The legendary 'Father of Rap.' But ugh, I wanted to burn that beard off.