Chapter 60: The Star Comes Later (Part 3)

[Jin-hyuk from Red Team. You're out.]


Jin-hyuk quickly got up after I dropped him onto the floor, but he was already out.

"Sian! You…ugh!"

He clearly had more to say, but two men who wore black clothing had already appeared to take him to the "prison." They began to drag him away. Even as he was being taken, he continued to shout curses at me. I gave him an innocent wave as I watched.

"Wow…that was close," Ha-jeong said, letting out a long breath.

She had lost one name tag to Jin-hyuk, but luckily, only the one on her back.

"Are you okay?" I asked, quickly giving Ha-jeong a once over.

Ha-jeong gave a bright smile with a nod.

"I'm fine."

"Why did you just come out like that?"

"I was scared for you."


She was worried about me? Where's the girl who spoke so rudely to me over her bento?

"Let's go. We have to get Guk-jong."

Oh, that's right. Guk-jong and Min-joon are still left.

"Oh, I still have to go."

"You haven't gone yet?"
