Chapter 62: The Perverted Stalker (Part 2)

Our dorms were on the third floor. That meant that our window was on the third level, meaning that there was a guy who had climbed up three whole stories to watch us through our window. Was he a ghost? No, he was not. I never mentioned this before, but I can sense the presence of ghosts. One of my friends had that special sense and helped train me to learn it. So I knew he was a human being and had most likely scaled the wall. It's not an impossible height.

Soon, the members began to scream.


The guy smiled at our reaction. So I did as well.

"You're so dead."

I took Ji-hyun's phone and threw it at the window. It smashed right through the glass.


That caught the guy off guard and he immediately disappeared. I quickly ran towards the window.

"Sian, we're on the third floor!" Yoo-young shouted.

Too late. I was already jumping out the window.
