Chapter 69: A Huge Obstacle

I arrived at the 8th floor.

Knock knock.

"Come in."

I opened the door and found myself walking into the biggest office I've ever seen. Damn. What kind of manager needed an office this big? Is it because he's the Head Manager? What does he do exactly? This was a far cry from what Manager Lee gets. I felt a little bad for him.


"Sian! Thank you for coming. Please, take a seat."

Mr. Lee gestured towards a chair and I sat down. He moved the coffee table to the side and sat opposite me.

"I'm glad that you came. You've made the right choice."

"Uh-huh," I said, taking this opportunity to take a good look at him. Early 30's with a charming face. Unfortunately, his sunken cheeks make him look really shady.

"So Yoo-jin tried to run away, right? And you were able to stop her?"

"Yes, I did. It's impressive."

"So now you believe me," Mr. Lee said with a satisfied smile.

"Well, actually, I'm still not sure."