Chapter 71: A Secret Camera (Part 2)

I opened the door and walked in. At the sound of the door opening, Joon-hyun's hands stopped in their tracks. He could not help but turn around as he saw me.


He stared at me, his face looking more and more confused by the minute. I don't blame him. It's quite weird to have a strange girl with sunglasses just open your door and walk in like she owned the place.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a smirk. I was also holding the phone up, capturing everything on video.

"Who are you?"

Joon-hyun put his phone back into his pocket as he got off the bed, walking towards me.

"Me? I'm Jihyun's bodyguard."

Smiling wider, I removed my sunglasses. Joon-hyun froze midstep as his jaw dropped.

"Are you…Sian?"

"Bingo," I said, clapping.

The guy immediately began to back away. To say he looked terrified would be a definite understatement.

"You did meet Mr. Lee, right?" he asked.