Chapter 74: Examination Time


Silence. Awkward silence. Everyone was just silent. Finally, the instructor let out a sigh.

Well, he sure sounds exhausted.

"Those who were tardy, you get minus one point," the instructor snapped. The ones who were tardy hung their heads...though one of them raised it back up almost immediately. Her name was Jae-yoon. She's a Korean-American celebrity who was known for her outgoing personality. Blonde hair and ripped jeans. Not to mention the gum she was currently chewing. Even I think that that's a little too disrespectful. I mean, she does have a reputation for talking back and being incredibly stubborn. I can see that it's not a falsified image. The instructor looked perplexed as well as he looked at her.

Then he said, "Spit out the gum."



Speechless. And completely, utterly shocked. Judging by the look on his face, this was clearly the first time he had ever faced a response like this. He took a deep breath, collected himself, and tried again.