Chapter 84: Jia is Dating?! (Part 1)

Consultation Time.

Then again, it was far from a rest period. To prepare for the shooting range tomorrow, we were undergoing PRI Training, also known by its full name as Preliminary Rifle Instruction. For it, you lay down, get into a shooting position, and then your partner will put a pebble on top of the muzzle. After that, you pull the trigger. If the pebble stays on the muzzle, you pass. If not, you fail. It's much harder than you'd think.

"This is heavy," Heejin whined as she picked up a rifle.

"Let's put a pillow underneath," I suggested as I stuffed a pillow under her rifle. It seemed to help by a decent amount because Heejin gave me a satisfied smile.

"You need to get a better grip."

With that, Heejin pressed the butt of the rifle onto her shoulder, then tilted her head to squint through the scale hole. I then placed a small pebble at the end of her rifle.

"Pull," I said.

Heejin obediently pulled the trigger not long after.

