Chapter 90: The First Hunt in the Jungle (Part 2)

We approached the chicken-like heegak bird.

"Hang on. Team meeting," Byung-hoon said all of a sudden.

The three of us gathered around.

"Watch this, guys."

With a big smile, Byung-hoon picked up a small stone. He then placed it against the slingshot string and pulled it back. The heegak was looking this way and that way, but he didn't see us standing right below him.

"I'll get it in one shot."

And with that, Byung-hoon released the slingshot.


The stone flew at incredible speeds at the heegak, but it managed to jump out of the way just in time.


Byung-hoon looked up at that shot. I bet he didn't expect the bird to be able to dodge it so quickly.

Caw! Caw!

The bird let out a cry as it looked down at us. It seemed to be smirking at us. I know that birds don't smile, but to me, it looked like it was jeering as it looked down at us.

"Let me try."