Chapter 96: The Samaran Chief’s Perfect Attack (Part 3)

We arrived at the foot of the tree.

"Fuck, that's high," Byung-hoon said. I've never heard him say such a thing until now. He's been able to refrain from cursing up until now.

"He wants to know if you regret taking up the challenge," the interpreter asked Byung-hoon, speaking on behalf of the chief. Byung-hoon took a deep breath and then turned to the interpreter.

"Tell him that this is nothing."

"Got it.

The interpreter did just that. Looking impressed, the chief held up his middle finger again…but that middle finger. Is it really the village's culture to express goodwill in that way? Or was he doing it on purpose to mock us?

Anyways, Byung-hoon looked up at the house and took another deep breath.


It was high, especially when you looked up at it from directly beneath it. There was a crude ladder placed against the tree, but it didn't look very strong nor safe.

"Seriously, don't do it Byung-hoon. This isn't safe," the main producer said.