Chapter 99: I Almost Fainted.

We arrived at the river…but my cheek hurt. Hye-jeong's hands were stronger than I thought.

"Hey you."

"Yeah?" Hye-jeong asked innocently.

"I thought we agreed not to slap each other."

"It just happened in the moment."

Ugh. You little…"

That was bullshit if I ever heard it. She definitely did it on purpose.

"But why aren't they coming?" I asked, looking over my shoulder.

They were still standing there.

"I guess they were really shocked," Hye-jeong giggled.

"Probably," I said with a nod. They were right to be shocked, with the way we had suddenly flipped and all that. Hye-jeong had been crying and sobbing like a tragic damsel, and now she was smiling as if nothing had happened. Who could blame them for being confused? A few had even fallen to their knees in shock.

But soon, they all came back to their senses and praised us for our acting. They especially shook their heads at Hye-jeong.