Chapter 109: Now it’s Track Time!

Jia and Hainan covered me with a towel. All the members gathered around me while Boong Boong approached me. The cameras started flashing and Boong Boong stuck his microphone near my face.

"Wow, Sian! You won first place! How does it feel?"

"I'm very grateful for the other members of Lovely Girlz for their support. We…"

"You know there's still Round 2, right?" Boong Boong cut in.

I gave him the look. Was he serious?

"Haha. I'm just kidding, Sian. What were you saying?"

"That's it. I'm just grateful for my members for being here to support me."

There, that's plenty. Boong Boong was right. There was still Round 2. No need to give my victory speech now.

Boong Boong continued.

"But why didn't you use your arms?" he asked.

As soon as he asked that, everyone turned to look at me. Clearly, they were all curious as well. Though some of the men were taking this time to stare at my chest.