Chapter 116: The Asshole’s Final Moments

We arrived at our destination, the 30-year old pork cutlet restaurant called 'King Cutlets.' As the name suggests, the portions were huge. Each plate was almost the size of a whole pizza.

"I'll cut the meat for you, Hainan," Sakaraba said, taking a knife and cutting Hainan's cutlets for her. He placed the plate in front of her.

Hainan's face expertly lit up in a well-practiced show of excitement and took her fork. She speared a piece and brought it up to her tiny mouth, which she stretched open. She stuffed her mouth and began to chew.


Hainan continued to squeal at the taste and kept eating, her face furrowed in concentration.

"Hmm…the taste…how do I put this…the exterior is really crispy and the texture is really nice, but the meat is so tender! How is that possible?!"

She spoke with an air of awe and Hak-gyu readily translated for her.

"She's pretty good."