Chapter 123: Idol Dream Team (Part 2)

Later that night, I got a phone call from Christine.

- Sian!

"Yeah," I replied shortly. Christine's voice, on the other hand, was very energetic. Clearly something good had happened. Oh yeah, she got casted on a program with me.

- Is it true that you're going to be on Idol Dream Team?

"Yeah. You're on there as well, right?"

- Of course! So I'll see you tomorrow then?


The way she's so excited to see me…there was something so attractive about it…

'Breathe, Sian. Get a hold of yourself.'

I took a deep breath to calm myself. All of a sudden, a worrying thought came over me. I'm not turning into a lesbian, am I…? That…can never happen. I'll be representing Lovely Girlz!

- I'm going to stick to you like glue tomorrow!


Aw, great. This was not good.

So, I changed my answer.

"Actually, no. Don't do that."

- Why not?

"Just don't."

Please don't. I am a guy, after all…

- Nuh-uh.
