Chapter 128: The 1st Seoul Food League Challenge(Part 2)

I was back in the dorms, getting ready for bed, when my phone rang.


Nayoung's name came up on the Caller ID.

"What's she calling for?"

Anyways, I picked up.


"Yes, hello?"

- Hi, Sian~

"Hello there. Not to be rude, but why are you calling so late?"

Seriously. Why? Jia and Yoo-jin were staring at me, also confused. They were probably also fascinated. I usually don't talk to anyone outside of the group.

- Did you see the article about the Food League?

"I did. I heard it's going to be in Seoul. I entered a while ago."

- Oh, really? Already?

"Yeah. Why?"

- I wanted to help you out.


She wanted to help me? How? Somehow, I got a bad feeling about this.

- Let's try to go over 10 million!


- What? You don't think you can do it?
