Chapter 133: This Goddamn Show…(Part 1)

Today was my day off.

I was sitting in the living room, having a chat with Jia.

"Hey, Sian."


"Should I get a Brazilian?"

"Please don't," I replied. A Brazilian? Isn't that sort of embarrassing? Besides, Jia is already beautiful just the way she is.

"Why not? I hear getting it waxed is really nice."

"Yeah, right."

That's the first time I've heard such a thing.

Just then, Hainan came and joined in on the conversation.

"Should I get one as well?"


Seriously, these girls. And then, not long after that, Yoo-jin also came out and sat down on the carpet, leaning her back against my legs.

"I've already made reservations."


"Hey Sian, did you see the article?" Yoo-jin asked me.

"What article?" I asked back.

"The one about the show 'We Dated.'"

"Huh? What about it?"

This is the first time I'm hearing about it. To be honest, I don't really keep up with celebrity news.