Chapter 146: So Now it’s the Savanna…(Part 1)

Now that my period was over, I felt so much better.

"Wow, that was painful."

PMS is really no joke. I never truly understood why girls found it so difficult, but now that I've experienced it, I finally get it. To think that I would actually go through something like this. Fucking hell. Well, I'll have to be more careful in the future.

"Hey, someone's calling," Yoo-jin said, handing me my phone.

"Who is it?"

"The caller ID said Lobsterhead."

"Oh, really?"

I looked at the caller ID. It really did say 'Lobsterhead.' Yeonmin Yoo, the producer from 24-Hour Jungle. Skinny with a tiny head. But hmm…why is he calling me?

I answered.


- Sian, hi! It's me. Yeonmin from 24-Hour Jungle. Do you remember me?

"Of course. I'm not a goldfish."

It hasn't even been a month since we wrapped up filming. My memory's not that bad.

- Oh, right. Um, I was wondering if you have time today to meet up for a bit?