Chapter 164: Like Being Shot by a Bullet


I grabbed one of the guys by his face.


Then, I flung him out of the second floor. Another guy approached me with his fists up soon after. I dodged each blow before throwing a screw punch at him. He flew off the second floor as well. Another one aimed a middle kick at me. I caught the foot. Then, using him as a bat, I began knocking the other guys over.





Two men flew before I threw the guy I had been using as a bat after him.



That took care of those five men.

"Now just 23 more."

I looked down at the first floor. Those terrorists were looking up at me, every one of them looking shocked. A sexy, pretty young girl had killed five terrorists by herself. With a smile, I began to recite the Hunminjeongeu.

"Because the speech of this country is different from that of China, it does not match the letters. Therefore, even if the ignorant want to communicate, many of them, in the end, cannot state their concerns."