Chapter 166: The Final Attack (Part 2)

"What? You can't do it?"

- Well, no…that's not…

"Then set up a match."

- Um...but, Sian.


- Yoshiba is a guy...not to mention, one of the best. He just entered the UCIVA.

"Yeah? So?"

Yeah. So what? It'll just make it all the more satisfying to knock him down a peg.

- He's a man!

"You can't seriously think I'm going to lose?"

- Um, well...

Jinwoo remained silent. He's only had a brief glimpse of what I can do. Has he forgotten already? This old man…no. Let's not get angry. He's still my agency president. No need to lose it.

"Set up a match."

- Your image...

"It will be good for my image."

- That's true.

Jinwoo was quick to admit that. I mean, that's my image – girl crush. And it's working. Especially after the whole terrorist incident in Africa. I don't think he's ever imagined my popularity would be this big. But, of course, Jinwoo still worries about anything that could potentially ruin that.

"Set up the match for me. I won't lose, so don't worry."