Chapter 177: The Sexy Female Goblin (Part 1)

On my way back to the dorms, I called Jinwoo.

- Yes?

To my surprise, he had picked up before the first ring.

"Hi, Mr. Park."

- What is it?

He didn't sound too happy. He was probably still upset about me beating up Jang-chun.

"I need to see you again."

- Again? Why? I just got home.

"Just for a second. It's not like you have anything important to do..."

- (...)

For a while, Jinwoo remained speechless. Then, he finally replied.

- And how would you know?

"You're probably just watching porn, aren't you?"

- (...)

Again, no answer. And then…

- I don't watch that stuff.

"Anyways, come out. I have to ask you something."

- Sigh...

That was one exasperated sigh he let out, but I still wanted to ask him something. I wanted to talk to him about Goblin Entertainment. I've never heard of it before, but Jinwoo must know something about them.

- Where are you?

"Near the dorms."

- Then I guess I'll see you in thirty minutes.

"No. Five."