Chapter 185: Kidnapping (Part 3)

"Why aren't they waking up?"

It's already been five minutes and they're still dead asleep.

"Were the chemicals that strong?" I murmured, looking down at the tied men.

"Should I throw hot water on them?"

I was seriously considering it at this point. But then, I thought maybe hot water would be too much. Instead, I took some cold water and threw it over them. Even then, they just didn't wake up.


Since it couldn't be helped, I just waited. Since I can't just wake them up, what else could I do? And so, I sat there for an hour. Finally, Han-soo began to stir.


But he still seemed pretty out of it. So, I slapped him on the back of his head.



There he is.

"Hey, you."


He glared at me. In response to that, I gave him another whack on the back of the throat.



Of course, I did the same to Gap-chan. He wasn't really out. He had already woken up but was just pretending to be out cold.

