
Punya visited her school next day, she wished all her friends and asked them which college and courses are they applying next. Her close friend Siri had decided to join science in Mangalore college, Ramya had decided commerce in same college, hence she had opted for same college at Mangalore for science stream as she loved biology, she had decided to endure Maths for two more years. She distributed sweets to all her teachers, friends and known staff and left to home.

Narmada and Gowri had been to market and Rishi was playing football on the road in front of the house. They had left the key in the pot near the door…which only family members knew… Punya opened the door and closed it behind her. She went into her room upstairs…she was totally confused about studies. She fell asleep as she couldn't think further.

She saw a strange face … square face, arched eye brows, sharp large eyes which has a unique feel which she couldn't understand…sharp nose followed by the upper lips like rounded cupid's bow and fuller lower lips added him to the list of handsome people. As he smiled, dimples appeared on either side of his lips at the center of his cheeks. Suddenly that face came closer to her… and she woke up and understood that she was dreaming… She saw the guy who stumbled over her at the beach. She could hear her heart pound. She was wondering what this strange dream is all about…

"Punya…" screamed Varun from downstairs… interrupting her thoughts.

"Yes Appa…" she replied returning to the present world…

"Come dear…you have a surprise"…

She knew her father has brought her the cycle she asked and replied as she climbed down the steps "Coming Appa…" she almost ran through the main door to reach the portico… she examined the cycle and said "Appa, don't you think this is too small for me"

"Is it? Then don't use… we'll give it to your brother…"

"I'm getting a cycle? Pappa is this cycle for me?" asked Rishi overwhelmed. He was very happy about his new cycle and kept touching it again and again.

"Yeah it is for you, I can't take this to college" said Punya with a bittersweet smile.

"Varun, Rishi doesn't know to ride the cycle" said Narmada who was silently watching all the drama.

"Punya will teach him, Right dear?" he asked in a taunting voice as he put arms around her.

"Yes Appa… I'll teach him" said Punya sadly "So how will I go to college?" she asked smirking.

"I'll drop you on the way to office, come back by bus…that's it" Varun said in a simple voice.

"Oh do you think I'm a kid? Everyone at college will laugh at me… if you come to drop me…" said Punya as he pushed her father's hand off her shoulders and turned towards the house.

"Baby stop" Varun held her hand and pulled her behind his parked car…"There you go"… he said pointing at a two wheeler.

"Oh… Oh… Ohhhh Mmmmyyy Goooodddd… Appa new bike for me? ... Am I dreaming… Oh Thanks Dad, it's a great surprise… you're the World's best Dad… I love you…I love you so much…" said Punya overjoyed as she took her father's hand and kissed it.

"Pleasure is all mine baby…" he said as he brushed her hair on fore head.

"Varun, she's not even 15, she won't get license for two-wheeler… Won't it lead to problems?" asked Eshwar in curiosity, he wasn't against it but was worried about her safety. Narmada and Gowri also had the same feeling.

"Relax Appa, it's an electric moped, it doesn't need license… I have made enough enquiries about this" said Varun as he gave a look of assurance to Punya.

"Moreover, its speed is safer for kids of this age… so don't worry… My princess is responsible enough… we've to trust her…" he added to ease his family members.

Both the kids were happy and whole family had a great feast to celebrate Punya's results at a restaurant that night.


"Hey Prasad, get the electrician and see that pump set is repaired by tomorrow afternoon. I want more laborers tomorrow… all dried parts of plants have to be cut by evening. What about that manure? What time can we expect it?" Prakruth asked as he was walking with Prasad.

"It has already arrived saab…even plants from nursery has also come" answered Prasad. He had spent three days and he was trying his best to bring life to his lifeless farms… His Uncle who was a professor in an Agricultural University used to guide him over the land phone in the farm house. There were a lot of things to be done… he proceeded step by step.

"Saab, Phone…" said Prasad as he stretched his hand to Prakruth.

"Who" he asked

"Big boss" answered Prasad.

"Hello Dad, tell me" answered Prakruth with a disgusting expression.

"Why have you left your phone behind? How can we contact you?"

"I'm safe here…don't worry"

"I told you to keep me posted…Why are you involving yourself in all the farming work there? Prasad will handle it… Don't worry" said Dr. Murthy in a frantic voice.

"I know what I'm doing Dad… I think you know I grew up here, and I inherit this property" said Prakruth in anger.

"Don't dare to speak to me in that tone" frowned Dr. Murthy.

"As a doctor you know, anger is not good for your health… I'll look after this farms forever… I have my Ajja and Ajji memories here. Even you know that they were buried here…I won't let you sell this as just a piece of land" screamed Prakruth as he hung up.

"Take this…Never connect me to your big boss again" he shouted at Prasad. He nodded.