College days became more hectic with all classes running in full swing. Punya had to concentrate on her studies leaving all her silly thoughts behind. As days passed, Punya and Prakruth started interacting with each other cordially. She was addicted to his teaching so much that she had convinced her heart that there's nothing apart from studies between them. Prakruth used to spend hours with her weekly twice or thrice in the college library teaching her. Every single time, her heart melted looking at him. He was cold and a bad attitude guy who used to show off his pride and wealth to the whole college, everyone feared his presence except two friends and Roshni... but he was totally opposite here, sweet and gentle. Punya tried to avoid him a couple of times but he used to come around her again and again, she never understand his behavior... She started liking him more and more. She felt as comfortable as she felt with her family in his presence.

One day afternoon, Punya was waiting outside Prakruth's class room to return his book, she had borrowed a couple of days back. The class was going on.... "Love is a beautiful feeling that has great affection and gives one immense pleasure that no other feeling on Earth can give. We love our parents, friends and many other people. Can you give some alternatives to these people? No!! Parents and siblings are related by blood, friends are related by society and surroundings. People around us change subsequently but there's one person who's specially made for us, he/she will have all the characters we desire and admire. Our heart, soul and body belongs to that one person. The other people who I mentioned before might hurt us one time or the other but this person understands and feels for us so much that they can never hurt us". Punya could hear an English lecture inside Prakruth's class, the lecturer was audible enough. She peeped into the window, Prakruth waved at her secretly hiding from the lecturer. She smiled. His lips curved up forming dimples on either side of his cheeks. Punya engrossed his face in her eyes. The lecturer continued....

"Now you will ask me how to find that person? Right. That person is the one you love unconditionally. Love can't be planned or programmed, it just happens. You feel a great attraction which doesn't leave you for years together, a continuous love flow keeps you both together. Well how does Love happen? That's a tricky one. Young generation always gets confused by attraction, infatuation and love. According to Biology, there are four hormones in our body which make us fall in love- they're oxytocin, dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin. If they happen to come together at once, you fall in love fractiously. The person who falls in love will have symptoms like flushing cheeks, a racing heart and clammy hands in presence of the person whom they love." the teacher paused "We'll discuss the next part of the chapter in next class" he said and started taking the attendance.

Punya was startled after hearing the symptoms, she had felt all the three of them in Prakruth's presence, she couldn't stand there anymore. "How can I love him? He's already kind of engaged. Moreover he's filthy rich, intelligent and heartthrob of our college… why will he look at a simple average girl like me? I must be day dreaming. I have seen his father's hospital, he owns a BMW car. Prakruth himself has a volvo. I will be called mad, if I proceed. Stop stop right now" she said to herself while walking fast. She had left the college building and entered the parking area, she was halfway across the road when a guy pulled her rapidly towards him. She crashed against him and took a couple of seconds to balance herself.

"Punya, where will you be lost always" he was furious.

Prakruth had saved her once again. She had crossed the road without noticing the goods vehicle rushing towards her. "Hello" he waved at her. "......…" she was blank.

"Can't you watch while you walk?" he asked suppressing his anger under cluttering teeth.

"I'm ssssss ssooo sorry" she stuttered.

"If I didn't come behind you, I had to tell sorry to your parents, Idiot" he frowned. He had scolded her first time, her eyes welled up. He gently pulled her close into his embrace unaware of the surroundings. She rested against his chest unwittingly. Both their hearts spoke to each other but only for a moment. She pushed him away and stormed off. He tried to hold her back but he stopped himself as his friends arrived.

"Prakruth, what happened?" Prajwal asked.

"You became Hero, I heard you saved that girl again" Rahul chaffed.

"You get updates like BBC news.... come let's go" Prakruth hid his feelings under his beautiful smile.


"Love, do I love him? I blush in his presence Siri told me a couple of times. My heart beats fast every time I see him, I feel jealous when Roshni is around him, I curse the clock as time just flies when we sit together, his looks and behavior is so enthralling....GOD I must stop this" Punya thought as she stood in her balcony watching the peaceful sky. Such peaceful sky in rainy season was rare.

"Punya..." Narmada called her from downstairs. Punya silently walked down the stairs and saw Thrishul in the hall.

"Hi Thrishul, I couldn't see you in college while coming home, where were you?" she asked.

"Hi, yeah I had been to bookstore after college. I had to buy some books, I thought this might help you" he handed over a copy of Maths ready reckoner, it had all solved problems and previous year question papers.

"Thanks, that's so sweet of you, but I need to understand the concepts right" she asked.

"That you don't ask me, I'm dumber than you" he said and burst out laughing. Varun who heard this couldn't help laughing with him.

"Oh Uncle, how are you? Thrishul asked and waved at grandparents who walked in with Varun.... Hi Ajja, Hi Ajji".

"All good, had taken my parents for general health check up. How's college?" Varun inquired.

"So far so good, you know I'm bad at Maths similar to Punya" he chuckled.

"Try your best, we'll see what happens in near future" Varun said and headed towards his daughter "Hi darling" he said embracing her in his arms. "Hi Appa" she rested against him.

"Ok Uncle, I'll leave. Goodnight" Thrishul got up to leave.

"Have dinner with us...." Punya invited out of gratitude. Narmada and Varun were startled.

"No, no... Mom will be waiting, some other time Punya, Bye" He waved at everyone and left.