Prakruth's omnipresence

Punya's hatred perplexed Prakruth. He thought about it hours together but couldn't find his fault. Yet he decided to apologize to her. That evening he came running to parking lot just to meet her but missed her.

"Hey dude, what happened?" asked Rahul.

"Nothing much"

"I know you wanted to meet Punya right??" asked Prajwal.

"You're being Judgemental" chuckled Prakruth.

Both Rahul and Prajwal laughed, "Stop that

... I must go home early so I ran.. " said Prakruth in a serious tone.

"OK, Carry on... We'll meet tomorrow. See you" said Prajwal, Rahul waved at him and went in opposite direction.

Prakruth took his car and drove towards his farms... His thought was completely focused on Punya. "I didn't disclose my love for her completely, I didn't even misbehave with her, none of my friends know that I like her... I've never hurt her or teased her even once, what could've been wrong? I better stay away from her for few days... Let her relax and come back" he decided.


"Attention everyone, there will be College Fest, the coming month. Anyone who's interested to showcase their talents, kindly register your names with me" announced the English lecturer. She started taking names for various events and reached the dias again after noting them.

"Who's Punya?" she asked. Punya stood up.

"You've given name for singing, are you a trained singer or a hobby singer" asked the lecturer.

"I'm trained in Classical music ma'am"

"Good, can you sing Invocation for us then??"

Punya felt very happy "Yes ma'am, that will be a great opportunity" she said.

"Ok sing a bit for me" she insisted.

"Now?" Punya gasped.

"Yes why not?" Lecturer told sitting on the chair.

All her classmates were curious and Punya looked at Thrishul, he wished her by gesturing thumbs up.

"Punya sang a stanza of song which portrayed love between Radha and Krishna.

"Great" said the lecturer and everyone applauded.... Lecturer continued "A senior singing team requires a female lead, shall I add you there too?" she asked.

"Ok ma'am, I will join" said Punya.

Lecturer gave her the lyrics and notes sheet to Punya and proceeded towards others who had given names for dance, drama and other activities.

Punya started reading the lyrics and thought these lines are written by someone who loves his girl very much. She liked it very much.

"Such a nice handwriting Punya" said Siri who sat next to her.

"Yeah, lyrics are even more nice, have a look" she passed the sheet to Siri.

Bell rang... Jyoti came from behind and said, "Come Punya, we've badminton selections for state level now.... We need to change soon"

After sometime in the badminton court, Punya was relaxing after her first round of selection. Prakruth walked into the court from opposite end, he headed towards her. Punya's heart raced as he approached her....."He might ask why I shouted at him" she thought but Prakruth placed a cover on her bag and left to the other side of the court. Punya thought to throw it away but heart told her not to.... When she was thinking, Jyoti called her for water bottle... So she drastically put the letter in her bag and took the bottle to Jyoti.

After three rounds of selection, Jyoti was paired with Prakruth and Punya was paired with Rishab for mixed doubles. It was a easy win for Prakruth and Jyoti, because Rishab was weaker. Coach called all four and announced the results "Prakruth and Punya, you will represent our college in the state level for mixed doubles title. Of course all three of you, Punya, Prakruth and Jyoti will participate in single rounds too. Rishab you need to concentrate on fitness. That accident took away your opportunity" he said and congratulated all the winners.

Punya didn't like getting paired with Prakruth but coach was too strict, she was helpless.

Meanwhile Thrishul came running towards the three of them.... "Congrats Punya, I heard you got selected..."

" Yes, women singles and mixed doubles" she answered.

"Wow... Where's your partner? What's his name?" he asked.

Punya scowled. Jyoti took Thrishul to Prakruth and introduced each other. Both of them shook hands...

"Glad to meet you, Prakruth" said Thrishul.

Prakruth smiled "Same here, Thrishul"

"So tournaments are planned in Madikeri college of Engineering, it will be awesome" Thrishul showed his excitement in his words.

"What do you play Thrishul?" asked Prakruth.

"Basket ball, this is my first state level, yours??"

"I've represented India already but due to coach's pressure, I'm attending this tournament too" Prakruth shrugged.

Punya came closer to Thrishul, took his arms and pulled him away, "Come let's go" she wanted to make Prakruth jealous but poor Thrishul heart fell for her. Prakruth just chuckled. Punya never spoke to him after the Hate you incident...but he would never hate her for anything.

Later that month end, in the auditorium.... Punya was practicing the song with senior team. She didn't know the male lead singer since 15 days, she practiced only with the team. When she started the song, team members told that male lead who wrote the song is joining us today..... She was curious. Prakruth walked to stage and took the position with the mike. Punya felt being burnt alive..... She started to walk away but the lecturer stopped her, "What happened Punya, why are you walking away?"

"Ma'am I can't sing with him, I'm sorry" she said boldly.

"He's the song composer, why don't you want to sing along with him?" she asked.

"Ma'am we don't get along easily, so I may spoil the song" Punya answered politely.

"Punya you know this time it's intercollegiate fest and I don't want your personal fights to spoil college reputation, better you forget about the fight and just help college earn some fame....." she ordered.

"I will leave the team if you insist" Prakruth said in a very low tone.

"It is your song, trust me, I'll never spoil it for our fights" she whispered. Team continued to practice with both male and female lead singers. Everyone in the auditorium were mesmerized, audience felt that Prakruth and Punya voices were made for each other..... The singing was marvelous and music was soothing.... The team ended their practice leaving the audience dumbfounded.

When dancing team took over the stage, Prakruth took a seat in one corner and Punya on the other side. Prakruth loved her voice too.... He was observing her, he could guess that she's confused about something but...

"Hey, good singing dude" Rahul said and sat behind him distracting him.

"You have heard me sing before too" Prakruth raised his eyebrows...

"But today it was magical.... Her voice seems to complete your composition..."

"Not only my composition, she completes my life too... she defines me...." thought Prakruth but just nodded his head in approval.

Punya was unable to sit in his presence, those harsh words from Roshni's mouth still lingered in her ears. "He was very sweet boy, good friend and a great mentor. He couldn't have used such words, whom to believe...?!! My heart says he's innocent and my mind says a girl can't think of such words, it's his fault" thought Punya and walked out of the auditorium.

"Punya, wait" yelled Jyoti from across the campus

"Yes, Jyoti what happened?" Punya asked.

"She came panting and said, did you ask coach to switch me for mixed doubles?"

"Yes, I did"

"Coach didn't agree, so Prakruth told him that he will not be able to play. Coach scolded him badly. I feel sad for him. He did that for your sake. Why do you hate him so much?" she asked.

"Jyoti please let's talk about it later" Punya said.

"Always if you say so, when will we know what happened Punya?" asked Disha

"No need to know anything, he's not fit for friendship too" growled Punya.

"Dikshith was telling me that Prakruth always looks at you, admires you and even wanted to apologize. I don't think he hasn't done anything to apologize" explained Disha.

"Why will he apologize, may be Roshni told him that she revealed his secret. Now he wants to apologize and make things clear, Idiotic rascal" she scolded him in her mind and said "I don't want to talk to him, bye I have to go"

"Ok drive home safely" said Disha... and Jyoti waved at her.

When she came to the end of the campus, Prakruth stood by his car with hood open. He was talking to someone over the phone. It was drizzling. Punya decided to ignore but she remembered her father's words - "A friend in need is a friend indeed" "Help the needy". She turned her two wheeler towards his car and parked behind it.

"What happened?" she asked softly. He had drenched enough, his clothes were dripping.

"I don't know, my car broke down" he said in a pale tone.

She checked the car, wires, engine plugs and related parts... Carburetor had water too... Battery was weak. "Sit inside the car and set the 2nd gear, and start. I'll push it... It will start" she said.

Prakruth was amazed by her knowledge about cars... "You sit and start, I'll push. Car is heavy, you may not be able to push" he said.

"Please do as I say or stand here getting drenched" she scowled.

"Ok your wish" he sat inside the car and followed her orders. Car started after three trials. "Thank you so much Punya, but I don't know why you shouted at me. Remember you can ask me whatever it is... I'll never lie to you" and drove off.

Punya drove slowly towards her town. She didn't like the way, the day had brought them together. She hated the whole college for bringing them together again and again. "First time, I like someone and he turns out to be a Jilt.... Ughhhh" she screams out in anger.


At home, everyone will be walking up and down busily. Grandpa who sat on the chair was also dressed up well.

"Ajja, what's special?" she asked.

"Varun told he's taking all of us to movie tonight, so everyone's getting ready. You too fresh up and get ready"

"Oh... That's great... A much needed break" said Punya happily.

"Punya eat the omlette and drink milk immediately, your Dad is on the way" ordered Narmada.

Within 15 minutes, Varun came and whole family went to the movie theater. Tickets were booked, so they directly went to the seats allotted.

"Appa, I'll sit in first seat please" demanded Rishi.

"Ok, I'll sit next to you" said Varun. He didn't want Rishi disturb Narmada or run away suddenly. Narmada took the third seat and Grandparents followed her. Punya obviously had to sit at the end of the row. There were empty chairs next to her on her right. Movie was about to start.... Lights were put off.

Punya suddenly felt someone next to her, she turned and she could easily recognize the person even in dark. She froze.

"How much ever I avoid him, he comes back to me. Why is this world so small for me?, not small... Congested. He's already in my thoughts, in my dreams, in college, in the library, my maths tutor, my admiration, my badminton partner, co-singer and now he sits next to me as if there are no other people on Earth, except we both. God, have you glued us or something???? Why have you made him omnipresent like you.... " thought Punya. She started sweating even in the air - conditioned theatre.

"It's just a movie, they haven't even shown the dinosaur, you're already sweating?" asked the grandpa who sat on her left side.

"Nothing like that Ajja, I'm fine" she lied.

Prakruth who was used to this repeated coincidences, he took it in a normal way but seeing her tensed, he decided to speak. "If you don't want me to sit here, I'll leave now, sorry to disturb your family time" he whispered.

"Theatre doesn't belong to me, stay normal. I don't want my family to know that you're Prakruth. Got it?" she warned him.

As the movie played ahead, in a scene where the animal goes on killing the people in the forest, Punya unknowingly wraps her hands around the strong arms on her right, closes her eyes tightly and starts shivering. Prakruth just pats her head to calm her down, he understood that she's scared of blood and embraces her lightly. As it was dark, no one observed them. Movie continued to safer scene, but Punya had melted in his embrace. His arms were like heaven to her, she never felt so safe, so comfortable and complete before. She had forgotten about everything around her, even herself. "Never leave me alone, never betray me" she muttered deeply... which Prakruth heard carefully. "Never Punya" he replied.

Punya was startled by his voice, she pushed him and sat away from him like a frozen doll.