
Thrishul had fallen in love with Punya deeply, he used to tell all his friends about her....Nowadays as she was responding warmly, he didn't want to miss even a single opportunity to impress her. Next day Thrishul was giving her updates on the classes and chapters she missed from past 3 days trying to act responsible.

"Reading all these chapters won't be a problem but math, physics numericals and biology diagrams can't be done" said Punya in a worried tone.

"Numericals don't ask me, you've to submit your record before preparatory exams, Uncle has taken permission for these exams as you can't write but final exams you will have to write" said Thrishul.

"Oh finals have 90 days to go, I'll recover by then... But I can't finish these records now" she shrugged.

"Take have a look" Thrishul handed over a record book to her.

"This is my record.... Oh my goodness, you've completed all the diagrams for me?!!!" exclaimed Punya.

"At least that much I could do though I can't take away your pain"

"Thanks Thrishul, that's so sweet of you" she smiled.

He held her hand and said in a comforting tone "Please Punya, don't say thanks and keep me away, it's my duty. I promise to be on your side whenever you need me. I will be the first person who will happily sacrifice life for you".

Punya was startled hearing his words...."Ooooh, those are heavy words. I agree I can count on you... Don't use big words and make me feel emotional" she warned him lightly.

They stopped their conversation as Dr. Sarala came for rounds and Thrishul walked out of the ward. Punya wanted to apologize and talk to Prakruth so badly that she dared to ask his mother.

After the check up, "Doctor, you're Prakruth's mother right?"

she asked.

"Yes dear, why?"

"I wanted to meet him, so can you please ask him to come over?" she pleaded.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry it's already 6 pm. He would've gone home" she sighed.

"Your house is in the city, he can still come. Won't he come out after going home?"

"No, No Prakruth doesn't stay with us, he has shifted to farm house in Bantwal, 25 Kilometers from the city. So he can't come now"

"Oh.... what is he doing there alone?" Punya asked curiously.

"He is looking after our farm lands and earning for his living from past 6 months. Farm is coming back to it's glory in his administration. He likes to stay alone most of the time. I think because of that he prefers that farm which is amidst nature, silent and pure" Dr. Sarala proudly explained about her son.

"Oh Nice Doctor, thanks for the information. How to contact him now?" asked Punya.

"I'll tell him to come tomorrow, don't worry now you rest" said the doctor and left the ward after writing in the case sheet and Punya's grandparents walked in.

"Such a responsible guy.... At 17, he's earning and learning. Teenagers indulge in various distractions, spoiling their health and studies but Prakruth is so different. I completely mistook him. He likes to be alone but was so close to me, used to share most of his thoughts and dreams. He cared to help me study between his work and studies. It shows how much he values me, I spoiled everything hearing to someone else. I must apologize. Prakruth please can you come....." she pleaded him in her thoughts silently.

But Dr. Sarala forgot to call her son.


Days passed into a week, Prakruth couldn't stay away without seeing Punya any more so he decided to visit her, ignoring her hatred.

He enquired in the reception and knocked at the door of the special ward.

"Come in" said Narmada, Punya's mother and she was reading a novel. Narmada was preparing juice for her. He gathered all his courage and took a deep breath before he spoke...

"Hi Punya, how are you?" he asked.

She gasped and dropped her novel....

"Oh Hi... I'm fine... Thanks for coming" she said formally. She hadn't expected him.

He handed over the bouquet which had a card saying "Have a speedy recovery", she smiled at him in gratitude. He wondered if she's behaving so because of her mother or has she really forgotten the hatred. She looked at the white lilies packed with green long leaves and lavender small flowers, it elevated her mood. These were her favorite flowers, her eyes rejoiced. Prakruth who was watching her expressions chuckled softly.

Punya's family had become close to Prakruth as he stood by them when Punya was brought here. He was like a family member, no longer a stranger.

"Prakruth, Juice" Punya's mother Narmada gave him a glass of juice and another to Punya.

"Thanks Aunty, I'm troubling you, sorry" he said.

"No not at all... I'll trouble you now.... If you don't mind can you stay for half an hour? I'll go pick up Rishi from school and leave him at home. It may take a little more if my in laws haven't had their lunch" Narmada said.

Prakruth wasn't sure about Punya's reaction, what if she shouts at him and sends him out. He muddled between Yes and No.... "OK aunty, no problem...but I can stay if Punya permits me to... or I will ask a nurse to take care of her" said Prakruth to learn Punya's mood.

"I'm Ok, you can stay senior.... Amma finish your work and come. We'll be talking till you come back" said Punya.

Narmada left the ward with a smiling face, leaving behind the duo.

"Senior...Hmmm? you can call me Prakruth, Punya.... we had decided this earlier. Have I become so far already?" he asked.

She searched for words to convey her thoughts, she had lots of things to ask but she controlled the urge... instead she just told "Sorry Prakruth"

"No no .. No sorry no thanks between us, that was also promised"

he nodded sideways.

"Yeah I remember"

"So how are you feeling now?"

he asked.

"I'm recovering, head stitches were removed yesterday but my hand will remain like this for 12 more weeks, that's the sad part"

"Why don't you watch while you walk? You're very important to many people....including me" he said.

(last two words were a whisper).

Punya wanted to tell "You haunt me in my dreams, so I whimper every night" but she told "I was half awake, so I couldn't balance on steps".

"Hereafter be extra careful" he warned. She just nodded.

"Prakruth, I need a help from you...If you don't mind helping me?"

she said

Prakruth's mind said "I can give my whole life to you, I just want you to be with me forever" but his tongue uttered "Just order"

"By the time I return to college, I will lose more number of classes. Theory papers I can manage but math and physics numericals....." she stopped.

"So you want to make friendship for numericals not because of me?" he winked.

"I'm not eligible for your friendship Prakruth, I mistook you completely and shouted at you so badly, I know I'll not be forgiven" she sighed.

"You can't decide whether I forgive or no....Anyways I will get my previous year notes and help you read them when you are here, don't worry"

he assured.

"So he doesn't want to forgive me" Punya thought and said "Oh Thanks... oops no... Well then can we start today evening?"

Prakruth chuckled and asked "You love studying so much?"

"Yes, you're my inspiration" she laughed.

"Me, studies is my resort to escape from loneliness and that inspires you...." He laughed.

"Really" she asked....

"Trust me" he signalled a swear and they burst out laughing.

They returned to their comfort zone during the next few days stay at hospital. Punya asked her father to permit Prakruth to help her study at home and to her astonishment Varun agreed happily. Their friendship blossomed again....