Valentines day

February 14th, the whole campus was looking colorful... Roses, balloons, wrapped chocolates, packed gifts were hidden in bags of many students. Many young hearts were trying hard to reveal their love to the person they admire... Some couples were exchanging gifts... While many others were not interested in entering this valentine world.

Classes weren't cancelled but attendance was low. It was like undeclared holiday....

Prakruth was attending his class and only few of his classmates branded as nerds were sitting with him... All his friends were somewhat busy outside. Bell rang signifying the lunch break. He stepped out of the classroom, Roshni who was waiting for him held his hand and pulled him away towards the closed auditorium.

"Roshni where are you taking me???" he asked.

"Shshhh come with me please" she ordered.

"Its dark in here, I can't see anything" he said as he entered the auditorium.

"I'm holding your hand, don't worry. Follow me"

"What is the matter?"

"Have patience... Remove your shoes"


"Do as I say"

"Ok... Done"

"Socks too"

"Oh oh.... Ok"

"Come step forward"

"I'm feeling something soft and cold... What is that"

She just giggled. "Come forward"


"Ta - da" she said. Whole room was lit. He stood at the center of a heart made with red rose petals... colored balloons with satin tapes hanging at the top of his head...romantic music started playing from the speakers...She held a bunch of red roses towards him and said "I love you Prakruth, will you be my valentine??" as soon as she finished, he was showered with rose petals from above.

He stood there like a stone... His expression cold as usual....

"Tell me baby, you love me...." She came close and hugged him warmly.

He got rid of her arms and said "Sorry Roshni...I can't love you"

"What!?" she gasped... "This can't be true... You're joking right" she chuckled a false laugh.

"Look Roshni, I know you like me from first year... But I don't have same feelings for you. I would rather call it one sided infatuation. Please forgive me...Sorry" he apologized.

Roshni was shocked by his words "But why... We were close can't ditch me now you're betraying me for someone else...." she screamed.

"Don't blame me unnecessarily... Have I ever behaved like a boyfriend? Took you long drives, movies, parties or have I got physical with you? As far as my knowledge, I haven't promised you anything... emotional or sensitive... Think and let these thoughts go away... I've never been close with you" he tried to convince her.

"Whole college believes that we're a couple... Even you agreed to them"

"Keeping quiet doesn't mean that I've agreed, I just don't respond to gossips... But have I ever told you that we're a couple? It was you who was forcefully moving around me" he argued.

"OK, I was the one who mistook you... Now I've opened my heart to you, please accept my proposal... Even parents won't be against it" she pleaded.

"Woah, relax... I haven't even thought about you and you're thinking about parents and ahead. Roshni concentrate on studies, your career is more important than me, you can get anyone when you are settled. Now it's not the time for feelings like love" he advised.

"I want you not anyone else" she screamed

"OK... Now I'm not ready for wait for another five years. Then I'll rethink about you".

"Promise me that you will wait for me, will not fall for anyone else" she demanded.

He crossed his fingers and said "OK I promise".

"Ok then bye... Go I need time to relax.." she said.

"Bye" he said and rushed out as if he waited for that.

Punya came running towards him when he came out of the auditorium door. "Prakruth.... Where were you? I've been searching for you in the whole campus" said Punya panting. Her face was red and she was sweating as she had ran from a long distance.

He gasped. "Did she look for me to propose, Oh My God... I'm so lucky" thought Prakruth and asked "why were you looking for me?" smiling.

"Di di dis disha has taken sleeping pills" she uttered.

"What?!... Where's she now?" he panicked.

"In the hostel, there's no one there. Warden is on leave today, staff aren't responding...they're saying she might be sleeping don't worry. Come fast please. We need to shift her to hospital" she said it so fast that Prakruth missed many points. Both of them ran to the hostel, Prakruth carried Disha in his arms and Punya ran behind him.

"Punya take my car keys from pocket, open the door now" he ordered.

"OK OK" she followed the instructions. He safely landed Disha in the back seat and took the driver seat, Punya sat next to him. He drove to the Life Line hospital.

"How do you know it is sleeping tablets?" he asked.

"I got this under the bed" she showed a bottle.

"Oh man, from where did she get this?" he worried.

They arrived at the hospital and with the help of staff, she was admitted to emergency ward.

"Is doctor Sarala available?" asked Prakruth.

"No Sir, doctor is out of station for three days" the receptionist replied politely.

"Call Dr. Murthy immediately then" he said.

"I'm Sorry Sir even he's with Dr. Sarala, for a conference in Delhi" she said.

"How come his parents don't inform him when they're going out?" wondered Punya.

He spoke by clenching his jaws... "OK please call emergency doctors and see that girl is out of danger" he requested.

"Sure Sir" said the receptionist and started to work.

After an hour, a lady doctor came and asked, "Who is with that girl?"

"We're" said Punya.

"This is a suicide case, you need to inform police" said the doctor.

"We'll take care of it, please tell us how is she now?" asked Prakruth.

"She's fine but she needs a gynecologist, we've informed, she may come in any time now. You inform Police to be on safer side" the doctor said.

"We can't call police, she'll be harassed more. Please understand we'll handle" said Prakruth.

"Kids you need to follow formalities, don't mess with the law" she raised her voice.

"Ma'am he's son of Dr. Murthy, let him handle. Please don't interfere" said the receptionist who came to the site of argument.

"Rich spoiled kids" she scolded and walked away.

Prakruth clenched his fist and controlled his anger.

"Sorry I'm putting you in all this trouble" regretted Punya.

"No No dear, it's my responsibility as a friend to stay with you" he held her hand and pressed gently.

"That is so sweet of you. Disha must be out of this soon" she said.

"She will" he assured.