
At Punya's residence.

"Ajja not there, here" Punya instructed her grandfather Eshwar to place flowers properly.

She started decorating the pergola in the garden after coming home from college. Party was planned at 8pm followed by dinner. Her phone started ringing.

"Hello, yes Sir, come to the right and left after the water tank, straight ahead you'll find a decorated house. That is our residence." she guided the caterers over the phone and walked into the house.

"Ajji, go get ready. It is 6.30 already, guests will come at 7.30" she pulled the grandma Gowri out of the sofa and sent her in.

"She is always late, she'll hear only to you" said Grandpa.

"Ok give me those flowers, go you also get ready" she ordered.

"OK princess, as you say" Grandpa went in.

"Cake arrived" said Thrishul carrying a packed box inside.

"Place it in the kitchen, we'll take it later. Call up your father and ask where are they?"

"Ok" he said and went in.

"They're just 10 minutes away, I just called him. When did you come?" he asked.

"I came at 5.30, why?"

"Oh you've left college immediately after me then. Today you didn't meet your senior huh?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"I met, but we didn't have much to talk, so I came early. Why are you curious about him?" said Punya still arranging flowers, candles and variegated leaves. She was walking here and there decorating the pergola of their garden. He followed her like a kitten.

"Nothing like that. You like to spend more time with him rather than me so I feel bad" he said frankly.

"I'm so sorry if I have inculcated that feeling in you. You're my best friend, he's kind of mentor to me. Never compare"

"Ok... Hope you have no negative feelings about me??" he asked.

"No not at all. Go switch off all the lights. I'll switch it on when my parents are walking in here" said Punya.

"Oh ok... Nice plan"

Both of them walked in discussing the arrangements. Grandparents who came out from their room looked at the couple and started dreaming about their future.

"They look so good together" said Gowri.

"Punya looks messy, see Thrishul so handsome" said Eshwar.

"My baby needs to get ready, after that your Thrishul will be no match to her" said Gowri and called "Punya"

"Yes Ajji"

"Go baby, you too get ready. Varun came just now, so be quick. We'll execute your plans and surprise them"

"Sure Ajji"

"Sis see how is this coat?" asked Rishi.

"Perfect, you look smart. Are your friends coming today?" asked Punya.

"Yes Sissie, five of them" he said excitedly.

"Don't go near the pergola till we switch on the lights, ok?" she warned.

"Sure Sis" he said and ran to the garden.

Narmada was applying final coat of lipstick in front of the mirror. Her looks were stunning, maroon saree with sleeveless blouse, long straight hair brushed properly, mild make up, gold jewelry had added glamour to her natural beauty.

"Hi my sweetheart" Varun hugged Narmada from behind.

"Varun, what is this?" asked Narmada.

"Today is our anniversary, please don't scold or push me away" he ordered.

"No I won't, but you need to get ready too"

"I'm tired, so you help me get ready..."

"Oh God, small boy huh. Even Rishi doesn't trouble me like this?"

"If you don't help, I will come like this" he threatened and left her.

"Like this... in inner??" she chuckled.

"Yes" he sat on the bed.

She started laughing. "Ahhh, don't kill me with your beautiful laugh" he enacted a false heart attack.

"Oh I won't fall for these old tricks, learn something new" she advised and brought his suit from the wardrobe.



"Arre, no shame at all"

"No nothing in front of you" he hugged her again.

After sometime, Punya knocked at their door. "Ready" she screamed.

"Wear this coat, comb your hair. Come fast... see your daughter is at the door" said Narmada.

"I'm not delaying, you're not helping me faster" he blamed.

"Ok, come" she pulled him out.

The couple opened the door and Punya stood there, "Fast it is only 5 minutes to 8. Guests have come" she hurried.

"First look at us darling" said Varun.

"Awwwwww you both look so beautiful together, Happy Wedding Anniversary Appa Amma...." said Punya and hugged them.

"You look gorgeous too, this sea blue gown suits you" said Narmada.

"Happy Anniversary Uncle and Aunty" Thrishul wished them with a bouquet.

"Thank you" said the couple.

When they walked down the stairs, everyone cheered "Happy Anniversary". They came down receiving all their wishes with a smiling face.

As they entered the garden, one light glow at each step. Varun and Narmada looked at each other.

Punya said "Walk ahead"

The pattern continued till the pergola and as they stepped in the pergola, two firecrackers lit and made the whole area visible. All the lights lit in a circular fashion, revealing the decorations one by one. Some guests who were assigned to light the scented candles followed the instructions of Punya and others showered flower petals on the couple till the center table.

Eshwar and Gowri handed over the garlands to the couple. They exchanged garlands.

Thrishul gave a lit candle to light the musical candle next to the cake, Varun and Narmada lit it. Punya gave the knife to cut the cake.

Everyone in the party cheered and the couple exchanged cake pieces. Next pieces to grandparents then grandchildren.

Punya stood away from the center watching the most romantic couple of her life being wished by their friends and relatives. Thrishul joined her.

"We'll also be such happy couple" he said.

She just gave a disgusting look.

"I mean if you agree, no force" he shrugged.

"Thrishul they love each other, admire, accept and understand each other. We don't have that much understanding or maturity. We need time to grow up. So first career"

"I know... I know, please don't start again" he begged joining his both hands.

"Then why do you bring it back again and again?" asked Punya

"What to do, my admiration for you is growing up day by day. I love you so much that no one else on this Universe will love you forever."

"Please, let me concentrate on the function" she pleaded.

"You're stone hearted lioness Punya. One last thing, please accept this" he gave her a small gift box.

"Oh no it's their anniversary, gift them not me" "I wanted to give on valentines day but I wasn't in station so I brought it now" he said.


"Accept it dear, he's brought with so much hopes, don't disappoint him. I've thought you not to hurt anyone right?" asked Grandpa Eshwar.

"Grandpa you too support him?" asked Punya. "Both of you are my grandchildren, how can I be partial? If you don't like it, give it back and ask him to get something else. But don't be rude." Eshwar advised.

She took and opened the box. A cute wind chimes with many red hearts hung around the metal bell at the center.

"Hang it in your window, whenever it makes clinging sound, you'll remember the most loving person" said Thrishul in whispers.

"Thrishul" called his father Pavan. He walked to his father.

"Punya, Thrishul likes you very much. If you don't want to take things forward its fine but don't hurt him. He was in hostel all these years, he needs our care and affection. Please be sweet" grandpa requested.

"Ok Ajja, I'll be sweet but please don't dream about our marriage and other things. I don't have such feelings for him"

"So for whom do you have such feelings?" grandpa asked in a teasing tone.

"As of now no one...." she nodded. "Prakruth" she called seeing Prakruth enter the garden. "Hi, I didn't expect you to come" she said.

"How can I turn down your invitation Punya?" he asked.

"That's so awesome, come wish my parents"

"Happy Anniversary Uncle and Aunty" he wished presenting a gift box.

"Prakruth so nice to have you here" Varun hugged him warmly.

"It had been long time since we met, how are you Prakruth?" asked Narmada.

"I'm Fine Aunty, thanks" said Prakruth politely. "Last time I couldn't see your farms, Punya explained everything to me and I'm very excited about it now. When can I come?" asked Varun.

"Anytime Uncle, you're always welcome" said Prakruth.

"That's awesome, well did Prasad get the papers?" asked Varun.

Before Prakruth could answer, Narmada warned "No business talks today, you promised me"

"Sorry sweetie" he held his ears.

"Varun stop" she blushed.

Punya tapped Prakruth's hand and gestured to come, he went out of the pergola with her.

"You've a lovely family Punya" said Prakruth.

"Yes, I'm lucky to have such a wonderful family" she chuckled softly.

"You're also a sweet daughter, by the by you're looking gorgeous" he complimented. He was staring at her whenever possible without being caught. She wore a light sea blue gown, loose curly hair with a side pin of white flowers on left, kohled eyes and light lip color. She was looking cute and gorgeous.

"Thanks" she smiled. There was a tinge of blush too.

"You're a very romantic woman" he added.

"Why do you say so?"

"These decorations are yours right?"

"Yes, but what it has to do with my romantic character?"

"The combination of white flowers, leaves, scented candles, those small trees with small dolls, those napkins and the apt table cloth color, those red flower hangings with lighting and the background romantic music tells me how romantic Punya is...."

Punya was awestruck by his observation. She was blushing unwittingly.

"It is hardly been 10-15 minutes long since you entered our house, you observed so much so fast?"

He just chuckled...

"Did you know that I like white flowers initially? Or you just sent those bouquets to me by fluke?" she asked remembering the previous incidents.

"I like white flowers and I gift what I like to people I love" he said.

"Even me, I send what I like... We match so much" she giggled.

"Don't change the topic... I asked you about Romantic Punya... None of your friends in college know this sweet romantic girl, all they know is tough independent and strong stone hearted girl. So how do you hide this angle from all of us?"

"I haven't hid it from anyone, I just want to achieve something before I reveal my sweet self. That independent side of mine will dominate till I find a person who is eligible for sweet side of mine" she explained. "but I can't hide it from you" Punya's monologue.

"Hope you recognize that person soon" he said.

"You mean such person is around me already?" she asked

"Maybe, check thoroughly" he chuckled.

"OK, I will. Come have dinner" she took him along.