Jo's Visit

After two days of entrance exams, Jyoti went to visit Prakruth. She had asked her father to send car for her. When she arrived at Prakruth's farm house, it was deserted. She wandered around the house, a small girl was playing with rabbits.

"Hi baby" said Jyoti.

"Who are you?" asked Chilly.

"I'm Jyoti, I'd like to meet Prakruth. Can you tell me where he's??"

"Why what's the matter?" asked Chilly.

"Just like that, a casual meeting" shrugged Jyoti.

"Where are you from?"

"From Mangalore, I'm Prakruth's Junior"

"For casual visit, you came all the way from Mangalore???" asked Chilly.

"Chanchala whom are you troubling??" asked Prasad.

"I'm not troubling, she's Jyoti. She wants to meet Prakruth. I'm just gathering information" grinned Chilly.

"Ma'am, Prakruth Sir will come in few minutes. Please come inside" invited Prasad.

Jyoti followed him, she was awestruck by the interiors of the house. Thick wooden door with elephants carved on it opened up to uncover a square area with 8 wooden pillars which were again artistic. The floor between 8 pillars was two feet lower and ceiling open. There were beautiful flowers swaying in air from hanging pots. The furniture and wall paintings were of traditional style. There was no TV, Music system or modern lighting. Everything was unique and soothing. On one side was stairs to the next floor. When Jyoti was admiring the house, a maid brought a glass of fresh lime juice.

"Thanks" said Jyoti and sat on the wooden couch with fluffy sofa.

"Hey Jyoti, what a pleasant surprise?" asked Prakruth who walked in the main door.

She gasped and stood up.

"Sorry did I scare you??" asked Prakruth.

"No, I was occupied by the house looks. So I was little shocked" said Jyoti.

"Ok enjoy the juice. I'll fresh up" said Prakruth and went in.

He came back in 10 minutes, maid brought a juice glass to him too.

"So how was entrance exam?" asked Prakruth.

"Good. Results are after a month" said Jyoti.

"What are your plans for future?"

"I want to be a doctor"

"Following your love huh???" winked Prakruth.

"You mean Thrishul is also interested in medicine???" asked Jyoti.

"Yeah, he's seriously trying"

"I didn't know, I wasn't concentrating on him. He's serious about Punya" she sighed.

"So you gave up your love? You know Punya loves me and there's no way she'll think about him. So never give up" said Prakruth.

"Let future decide about it. I can't discuss that right now"

"Ok.... But remember I'm always there for you"

"I know senior. You're like my elder brother. Now I want to know truth"

"When have I lied to you?"

"I'll know by the end of the conversation. What's going on your life??"

"Everything is fine. Farm is running well, studies - next month is my second semester exams..."

"I didn't ask about them, what's happening in your love life?"

"We're fine. Did she tell you anything? We didn't fight too"

"Arrrgghhh... Ok straight question... How did you know that someone will push Punya off the wall???"

"Th.... Th... Tthh.. That is an intuition" he stuttered.

"Oh you dreamt it. Great" she said sarcastically "You've never lied to me" she added.

He got up from his place and walked side to side thinking. Jyoti just stared at him, she knew that there's something wrong.

"Jyoti, if you can keep it a secret, I'll share" said Prakruth.

"You can trust me"

"Ok.... Roshni is playing tantrums against Punya. She's the reason for Punya's fall, for Rishi's nightmare and my never-ending problems"

"Roshni..... She's back in your life???"

"Back? When did she drift away?" he asked.

"Come sit here first Senior"

He came and sat.

"Now tell me in detail" she said.

"Roshni is my Dad's friend's daughter. Her father is a MLA, she's pampered spoiled kid. We both were in same school, she was behind me from my high school days. Her mother initiated these feelings for me, now she is obsessed with them. In college, she troubled Punya a couple of times. Though Punya didn't talk about it to me, reliable sources confirmed that to me"

"I know. Punya handled them bravely but it hurt her badly"

"I know so I somehow convinced her father and sent her to Bangalore, enrolled her in a best college for fashion designing. She stayed there for a while and started pestering her parents to come back. Her mother supported her and she's now here. As soon as she came, she came looking for me. One day... While we were conversing.... She said

"Hey Prakruth, I know you like Punya. You can call it a relationship but remember to marry me. You know my parents will get whatever I want and you're their selection, you can't get rid of me"

So I said "Roshni, marriage requires mutual respect and love. I don't love you please understand. I've decided Punya as my life partner, kindly move on"

"I've built dreams for us from our high school days, I ditched many boys as I was in relationship with you. They promised more colorful and entertaining relationships but I was loyal to you. Is this what I get for my love???"

"I never told that ours is a relationship. Now I'm in love with her and will marry only her."

"In what way is she better than me? I was Ms. Campus, beauty pageant holder for consecutive years. I match your financial, social status too. She doesn't even stand a comparison to me. Forget her"

"I can't. I will never do that"

"Ok if this is your final decision, remember that you'll never get her. I'll destroy every ounce of happiness from both of your lives" she growled and walked away.

From that day she's troubling me again." sighed Prakruth.

"OMG, you hid such a devil trouble from all of us and yet you manage to smile??? Great senior" said Jyoti.

"I'm trying to handle her but she's avoiding me. She doesn't receive any calls, doesn't reply to texts...."

"What will you do if she replies, you'll plead her to stop or will you ditch Punya and start loving her???"

"I can't even think of ditching P.... Sorry I can't"

"She won't stop troubling if you plead. I've a solution for this problem" said Jyoti.

"What's it? .... Please tell"

"Jyoti doesn't disclose her plans before execution. Wait and watch" she said getting up.

"Where are you going??" he asked.

"To execute the plan...." She shrugged and walked past the door.

"Wait" said Prakruth and followed her.

He had instructed Prasad to bring some useful farm produce, which he filled in the car for Jyoti's parents.

"Why all this??"

"My sister won't walk home often" he said smiling. "Be careful when you execute your plan" he added.

Jyoti gave him a warm hug and departed.