Disha turns 18

At the Birthday party.... Disha had dressed up like Cinderella in a white gown... Jyoti volunteered to help her with make up and accessories. When she arrived to the hall, all the guests cheered at her....

She was greeted and wished all along the way till she reached the center of the hall. Her parents stood on either side of a decorated table with a beautifully carved cake on it. They lit the candles for her while she was busy looking at the gathering instead of blowing them, her eyes were searching for someone.

"Disha, blow the candles we're all waiting" said a voice from the side of the table. It was Dikshith, he stood right next to her maternal uncle. Disha's face lit up instantly....she blew out the candles and crowd cheered birthday wishes. She cut the cake and fed her parents, they took a bite and ensured that she also ate. Photos were clicked by the photographer. Next she took another piece of cake and fed Dikshith, her eyes showed the love she had for him. The special moment was captured in the camera.

"Alright, let the party begin" said Disha's father. Elderly people wished Disha and dispersed to the dining area, young people gathered at the dance floor which had a bar attached.

Siri came in search of Jyoti and asked "Hey where to execute the plan?"

"Shshshhhh Siri please don't give out clues that we've a p.... Shut up and search Roshni and fight in front of her" said Jyoti.

"Ok got it" said Siri and went searching for Roshni. There she saw Tarak dancing with a pretty girl, they were looking very romantic. Siri got jealous of her and she stormed towards Tarak.... Tarak immediately drifted among the crowd and reached the bar table. He enjoyed 2 shots of vodka with the new girl.... Giggling and laughing loudly.... Roshni was sitting just next to them. She looked at them and didn't give a damn about it. Her eyes were on the best couple of the evening dancing gracefully at the center of the hall. The guy wore a white full arm shirt with navy blue creased trousers... He was handsome as ever. The girl wore a dark green knee length frock. The dark color made her fair skin look even more brighter enhancing her beauty more than ever. Roshni drank a glass of shot in a gulp to reduce the burning sensation of her tummy.

Siri came towards the bar table where Tarak was still giggling with the new girl. Tarak went towards the dance floor without even noticing her. She frowned in anger and was about to scream... When Jyoti held her hand and pulled.

"Hey what happened to you??" asked Jyoti.

"See there, how rude... How can he do so??" she pointed at Tarak.

"Oh you're feeling possessive... Shut it Siri. You're in relationship from almost a year and you still feel insecure???" asked Jyoti.

"I'm not insecure.... But...."

"Ha ha ha look at you.... Ok one friendly advice... Never fight for your right... Earn it" said Jyoti.


"Just make him realize you're worth him rather than fighting for him. He must feel that you're best than that girl... You shouldn't tell that, your actions should show that"

"Elaborate please"

"Now he neglected your presence right... You ignore the fact that he's dancing there and enjoy yourself. Men like independent women more than a hanging girl. Go enjoy yourself. If he feels for you, he'll search for you"

"You mean I should go dance there"


"Ok..." said Siri and walked towards the dance floor. She went straight to Prakruth and Punya.... "May I have your boy for few minutes?" she asked Punya.

Punya smiled saying "Of course" and went towards the bar table.

"Hi Jyoti..." said Punya

"Difficult to get away from such a handsome man in white na???" she teased.

Punya just giggled.

"This frock suits you" said Jyoti.

"Thanks... This we bought in Shimla. His selection." said Punya.

"I know... You told me there itself" said Jyoti and both giggled...They ordered a orange lemonade and started sipping.

Thrishul came by and asked Punya for the dance.... She had to step in.... Leaving Jyoti alone at the table.

Roshni approached Jyoti as if she was waiting for the opportunity. "Hey Jyoti... Longtime..." she said.

"Hi Roshni.. It is surprising that you walked to me to talk...." exclaimed Jyoti.

"I'm no more in your college and I'm not the one who keeps grudges... You know" she said.

Jyoti felt like hearing a hymn from a devil's mouth.... Yet she grinned and nodded sheepishly.

"How to show that we're worthy???" asked Roshni.

"Ah... I didn't understand what you are talking about??" asked Jyoti.

"Sorry for eavesdropping when you and your friend were talking... I know people like her. Hopefully I can help them" said Roshni.

"Can't ask help too.... How shady and self centered...." thought Jyoti yet she replied as she wanted her plan to work. "Well that's easy... If you want to stay with a person for lifetime, you need to behave in the way they like... Instead of forcing them to like you. You should show all your good sides till they like you and maintain it till you need that person. Same thing happens to friends right. If your friend went with other friends, you'll not kill others na.... Same way" she explained with lot more examples.

"Yeah... I understand.... Thanks for the help. Can I have your number so I could use your relationship advice whenever needed....?" asked Roshni.

"Sure..." she gave her number.

Vedant interrupted the conversation by asking her for a dance.... Luckily Rahul came to ask Roshni or else she would end up alone that night.

While Punya was dancing with Thrishul, he complimented her looks. He presented her a small box... She gave a skeptical look.

"Open it" he said.

"It is Disha's birthday... Not mine" she said.

"Please... I had this from long time. Birthday present will be even more special" he said.

Meanwhile, Tarak came over to Siri and Prakruth after Roshni left the party as she had a lots to plan... "May I?" asked Tarak.

"Yeah why not" said Prakruth and handed over her to him.

"I'm not dancing with you. Flirt!!!" said Siri.

"Look don't fight now, it is all part of the plan. I wanted you to look normal so I spiced it up. You're the only girl in my life. Trust me" he begged.

"Believe him" said Jyoti who was just behind them on the dance floor.

Siri gave a confused look but Tarak pulled her, gave beautiful dance moves and lifted her up in the air. Crowd cheered at them.... Then while landing he said "I love you my dear" and she blushed.

At another corner, Punya opened Thrishul's present... It was a beautiful bracelet with heart shaped emeralds and added pearls.

"Beautiful!!!" exclaimed Punya.

"Glad you liked it"

"I loved it!!!!" said Punya.

"Wear it then... " said Thrishul.

She put it on her wrist and said "Hook it"

Thrishul was very happy with the closeness, he hooked it up and slowly pulled her close holding that hand and wrapping his another arm around her waist... He started dancing slowly.

She just smiled and danced with him. Light romantic music made Punya to close her eyes and rest on his shoulders while dancing... After a certain point, where he couldn't control himself, he leaned forward to kiss her... "Thrishul!!!" she exclaimed.

"Sorry... Weak moment" he said and swiftly walked away from her. Punya stood in shock. Prakruth came from behind and hugged her.... She gasped.

"It's me... Don't worry" he said.

"Oh.... I thought.... Never mind, can we go home?" she asked.

"Our home or your parent's home?" asked Prakruth winking.

"Naughty boy.. My home..." said Punya. Her cheeks turned red.

"Just kidding, inform your friends. We'll leave" he said. She nodded and left to inform her friends. Her parents were in elders gathering and wouldn't come home immediately so she decided to leave.

When she got into Prakruth's car, he said "Nice bracelet"

"Thanks" said Punya.

"I know you thought it's him earlier" said Prakruth brushing her bracelet.

Punya was shocked.... She was seeing all over avoiding eye contact.

"Punya, I know what happened there. I was at the ice cream table beside you. You have nothing to feel guilty about. A relationship with me doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy anything else. I won't blame Thrishul also as he loves you. You can have time for friends, family and even admirers.... "

" didn't misunderstand me there?" asked Punya.

"Nope Never...." he said firmly.

She hugged him immediately as she felt very happy.

"I'm driving, don't blame me if I bump into a tree" he said. She pinched him.

"Ouch.... My angel is devil while pinching" he said...

"Yeah" she giggled.