Is she a minor?

Looking at the crowd, Jiang Chen said, "There seems to be much crowd unlike bars we usually see in Shanghai or San Antonio. It's quite noisy as well". Wei smiled and said, "It is probably due to the two big universities here and also Sheffield is famous for its night life. It has a student strength of more than 50K. We can't bee free like hem. Being a student and living a free life is really a blessing."

"Being a student is fucking hard. Writing assignments,doing turnitin submissions,preparing presentations and writing exams will simply take our lives away.Every idiot who is free, thinks that being student is very easy. You just need to study. No one knows the real pain ", suddenly a girl at the back of them was saying these words by addressing to a crowd. "Guys,lets drink to our hearts tonight. Finally , we are done with our exams and got a week off before the school reopens. Once the school open, we need to run after next semester."

Zhang Wei looked at the girl in bright red dress.She looked like a proper European girl .She had a golden blonde hair which were curled at the edges.She didn't wear any jewelry and had a very light makeup with a red dark lipstick being predominantly noticeable in her face.Her smile was simply beautiful and she was insanely happily that her exams are finished. Zhang wei has seen several beauties but something about this girl caught his attention. He suddenly changed the direction of his seating and started drinking his Prince Consort's Scotch. Jiang Chen also turned to see the girl who caught his friend's attention. He said, "She seems to be not a bad person. why don't you go and talk to her ?".Zhang wei sadly said ,"I badly want to. But look at her,Doesn't she look too young ?? I'm worried what if she turns out to be a minor. Others will consider that I'm harassing a minor student. You know that the rules here are quite strict. Isn't it ??".

Jiang Chen looked at the PA and said "Do you really want to work under him? Every time I meet him,he always surprises me with a different level of stupidity. Come to my money. I will treat you a lot better"

Zhang Wei immediately was alerted and in a serious tone and said "Jiang Chen, how dare you say that ? I told you about my worry and you are making fun of me instead of telling a solution."Chen answered,"For imaginary problems,solutions doesn't exist. First of all,the girl is not a minor". Wei suddenly became very happy listening to Jiang Chen's words as his deductions are never wrong.But however,he just wanted to confirm ,"How are you so sure about this ?She said the school opens next week.So, she could be a school girl".Jiang Chen felt so pathetic and answered, "The school can be business school as well. Turnitin submissions are applicable to check level of plagiarism.This level of plagiarism check is done only when the students are pursuing professional courses.Also,don't you remember that before we enter,we did an age proof verification by showing IDs. So, now tell me, do you still think she is a minor ?"

Zhang Wei's happiness was on cloud 9 after listening to Chen's analysis. He immediately jumped out of happiness and said "Jiang Chen,you are really smart. As expected from the Harvard's graduate.". Jiang Chen coldly responded and said, "You don't need to be a Harvard graduate to analyse this.This is called Common sense and if you lack, it's called as stupidity.Stop wasting time .Go , find her and then talk to her."Wei immediately turned back to talk to the girl but couldn't find her anymore. He came back with a depressed look and said I lost her.

Jiang Chen looked at Wei's depressed look and said come with me. Both of them went to the manager's cabin and asked for a CCTV footage. The manager politely rejected saying they should protect their customer's privacy details.Jiang Chen said, if I become the owner, am I allowed to check the CCTV footage ? The manager thought, this guy must be extremely drunk. He is spouting some non-sense. He answered mockingly and said, "If you become the owner, you can do anything. You can even fire me as well ". Jiang Chen immediately asked the PA to purchase the bar and in less than 30 minutes, the bar was under his name.