After he started walking for a while, Angela started talking in her subconsciousness. She muttered, " Jesus!!! I remember my mom cursing me to be born as a animal/bird in my next life. No matter how often AJ & Aseem called me guinea pig, don't make me reborn as a pig. Also I don't want to be reborn as a chicken so as to become an evening snack for someone.How about a cute dog?? or a little kitten?? ".After saying these words, she became silent again.
Zhang Wei was really surprised looking at Angela's subconscious talk. When this girl is this cute, how can I stop myself from falling for her!! I need to make her fall in love with me. This girl looks a bit heavy.. Is that the reason why her friend's call her guinea pig?? But, even guinea pigs are cute too...
As he was in his thoughts, suddenly, someone screamed, "Angela!! ".Zhang Wei's foot steps slowed down and he could see three people rushing towards him. The first person to arrive was Ms bullet. Before Zhang Wei could say something, Ziyi pulled Angela from Zhang Wei's back and said, "You.. degenerate!! what have you done to best friend?? "
Zhang Wei felt like a sudden thunder has come and hit him hard. How could she say like that?? She was the one who spoke very politely earlier. Now she is questioning him what has he done?? This is like the pot calling the kettle black.
As Zhang Wei was about to open his mouth, Aseem came forward and said, "Thank you very much for saving her sir. I think you must be the one who picked our car earlier. Thanks for helping us again. It's really a strange coincidence that we were able to meet again"
Zhang Wei started rummaging his memory.. where did I meet him?? what coincidence is he referring to??
Looking at Zhang Wei's mixed emotions Aseem smiled and said : "Probably, you must not have remembered. Yesterday, you gave us lift when we had some issues with our car. Thanks to you, our friend successfully landed in Myanmar "
After listening to Aseem's words, both Zhang Wei and Ziyi got shocked. Ziyi then went to her polite mode and said, "I am extremely sorry sir. I didn't recognize you at first. I apologize for my rudeness. Thank you very much indeed for saving our Angela's life."
Zhang Wei smiled and said, "No issues. Even, I failed to recognize you. It must be due to the clothing you wore yesterday. You were fully covered in jackets with hood. So, I didn't get a clear glimpse of your faces. By the way, your friend seems to have lost consciousness due to shock. She had few scratches on her body. That's it. Everything else is fine with her"
Three of them sighed in relief. Aseem said, "Thank you very much once again. I will carry her from now onwards. "
He wanted to lift Angela, but Aseem's body is very lean. Lifting Angela and walking down the hill might be a bit hard. But unlike Aseem, AJ has a well built athletic body. He can lift Angela very easily. In fact Angela is not heavy. she is just a bit chubby and pluffy. While both of them are arguing that they should lift her, they didn't notice that Zhang Wei lifted her by waist and walked away. Ziyi also followed him leaving them behind...
Zhang Wei has a smirk on his face...He thought, "Planning to carry my girl?? who is going to give you a chance?? In your dreams"
After 3 hours, Jiang Chen woke up from his deep thoughts. He looked at his watch and noticed that there are still 10 more hours left to reach A city. It would be better if he can do some of his office work. So, he opened his office laptop and looked at the email folders.There is an unread email from the detective. With his heart pounding, Jiang Chen opened the email to read the content.
"Found some info about her disappearance. Meet me in person.Cant discuss through email"
Jiang Chen looked at the email and felt extremely uneasy. He need to wait for 10 more hours to meet him. Although, he hired many detectives to find her info ,none of them were able to find even a single clue. After these many years, someone found the information about her disappearance. what is it going to be?? I need to find out. He placed his palm on his heart and said, 'Ziyi, I am a step closer to find you. wait for me, my love '