Is she the one ??

Everyone became sudden alert on the breaking sound. Zhang Wei's brain started thinking. She said her name is Ziyi. Is she the one whom Jiang Chen is looking for ?? Should I need to inform Jiang Chen?? No,no..before informing, I must confirm if she is the one. Let me ask her few questions

Aseem and AJ started clearing the glass pieces. After collecting those pieces, they went to drop it in the trash bin. Only Zhang Wei, Angela and Ziyi are left.

Zhang wei thought, 'This is the perfect time. I must ask her'. As he was about to ask, Mrs. John woke up in her half sleep and handed a mobile to Ziyi. She said, "Icey, your dad was calling you continuously. You left your mobile in your room. Just call him back. Probably, it must be something important!!"

Ziyi apologized to Mrs. John for disturbing her sleep. Mrs.John went inside and Ziyi looked at both Angela and Zhang wei saying : "You guys carry on !! I need to talk to dad. It may take a while "

As Ziyi left, Zhang Wei's both eyebrows frowned. Did she say her dad? He wanted to double confirm. So, he asked Angela, "Does Ziyi has father?". Angela looked surprised listening to Zhang Wei's question. She asked furiously , "What type of stupid question is that ?? If Ziyi hears this question, she would murder you. She loves her dad a lot.."

Zhang Wei became silent. Yes.. whatever he asked was indeed very stupid. But he asked it for the sake of Jiang Chen. He hoped this girl to be Jiang Chen's Ziyi. But, probably, that's not the case. How idiotically he thought!! Ziyi is a very common name. Nearly 1% of Chinese women has that name. Just because of a name, he thought too deep.

As Zhang Wei became dead calm, Angela started speaking. 'Hey, Why are you sad when I mentioned about Ziyi's dad ?? Don't tell me that you want to adopt ziyi looking at her goodness !!'

Listening to Angela's words, Zhang wei came back to his senses. Laughing out loud, he said "I don't like adopting kids. I have trust on my stamina."

Angela said, "You are a pervert !!"

"Do you really know what perverts do ??" Zhang Wei questioned her mockingly.

Before Angela could say something, AJ and Aseem were back. They said to Angela and Wei, "Let's go inside and sleep. We need to leave early tomorrow. Where is Ziyi ??"

Angela replied, "She is on a call with uncle. Should we wait till she comes back ?"

Aseem seriously said, "Are you stupid ??Don't you know how long she takes to finish this call ? Probably, even if we could go back now and come tomorrow, she would still be talking. Let's go now. I will text her in messenger"

Everyone agreed and went inside. Zhang Wei told everyone that they can go back to Sheffield in his car. AJ & Aseem nodded saying, 'Thank You' while Angela went inside without saying anything.

Zhang Wei lied on his bed and his eyes shut immediately. It must be due to the exhaustion from all the incidents that happened today. After few hours he woke up feeling thirsty. He walked into the kitchen to drink some water but suddenly someone asked, 'Do you need something?'

Zhang Wei was scared and wanted to scream loud. Suddenly the light turned on and the person standing before him was Ziyi.He took a long breath and said, you really scared me. I am almost frightened to death. I came down to get a bottle of water."

Ziyi gave him a bottle of water and asked if he needs anything. Zhang Wei hesitated and asked, "Actually, I need to charge my mobile. But there were no charging ports in my room. Would you mind if I ask you to charge it in your room??"

Ziyi replied, " No problem at all. To be honest, this house is being refurbished and still the electrical work is pending. Your room is just opposite to ours. I will charge and give it to you tomorrow morning. Is that okay ??"

Zhang Wei smiled and said, " Yeah !! That's absolutely fine. Thank You. By the way, it's late and you are still awake ??". Ziyi responded saying, "I am in call with my family. My family has gone for a trip to Los Angeles. Since it's day time for them, the call went a bit long"

Zhang Wei nodded and said, "Hmm !! Okay then..I will see you tomorrow. If I get any calls, please knock on my door." Ziyi replied saying, "Sure !!".

Both of them went back to their respective rooms and Ziyi connected Zhang Wei's mobile to a power socket for charging. At early morning 3AM, the mobile started ringing continuously. Ziyi and Angela were both lazy to pick the call.

Angela kicked Ziyi in sleep saying , "Icey, pick up that damn phone. It's ruining my precious sleep". Left with no option, Ziyi looked at her mobile but there was no call in it. When she looked at the direction of the ringtone, it was Zhang Wei's mobile. She woke up lazily and looked at the mobile screen. There was a notification that showed 2 missed calls. As she was about to take the mobile to Zhang Wei's room, A call appeared again with the caller name as 'Chenchen'

Ziyi never attends other's personal matters, but looking at the odd time of the call, she picked up the call immediately so as, not to miss it. She lifted the call and said, "Hello"
