Zhang Wei took the earliest flight to A City and by the time he reached, it was almost 7 PM in the A City. He called Jiang Chen's mobile but no one picked up. So, he called the Jiang's landline and the old lady picked up the call.
Zhang Wei said, " Hello Grandma, How are you ? How's Jiang Chen ? Did he wake up ? I am at the airport now." Listening to Zhang wei's voice, the old lady answered, "Wei ahh !!! Jiang Chen left home without letting anyone of us know. We are all so worried about him. He disappeared three hours ago. He is not in a good health. I am very worried about him.
Zhang Wei said, " Grand ma, don't worry. I will find him. By the way, has he gone to see Ziyi's dead body ? Is there any funeral kind of thing ?"
Grand ma replied, " Oh yeah !! I forgot. I told him the place where her tomb was…He must have gone to see her"
"Her tomb ?? So fast ??"
"She died five years ago. Due to Jiang Chen's surgery, we didn't tell him about her death. Today, I told him the truth. I did a crime by hiding the truth", the old lady's voice sounded feeble.
Zhang Wei can clearly understand how horrible Jiang Chen must have felt. She died five years ago and he came to know that today !! He didn't want to blame the grand ma also. She hid the truth. Everyone want to protect their loved ones. Even, she did the same.
He said, "Grand Ma, this is not the time for self blaming. Send me the location of Ziyi's grave. I will find him and bring him home" . After that he cut the call and immediately there was a message that popped up from butler Lee's mobile. He went outside the airport and took the car keys from the driver. He sent the driver away and connected the address to the navigation system. It would take atleast 2 hours from airport to that location. Oh god !! Please let Jiang Chen be safe.
As Jiang Chen stood in front of the tombstone, his eyes stared painfully at the photo on the tombstone. There was a picture of a little girl's faint smile who might have an age of 12-13 years old and below her picture, details of her birth and death are mentioned. She died five years ago. He thought to surprise her with an engagement ring but after his return from USA, everyone told him that Ziyi disappeared. Even after her disappearance, there was a ray of hope in him hoping that one day he would find her. But today, the hope that made him to live for the past five years has died at this moment. Just like her, even he loved her a lot. But he never said those words to her. Why didn't he tell her even at least once that he loves her?
He dropped down on his knees and shouted, "Ziyi, How can you do this to me ??". His voice echoed the entire hill. Jiang Chen experienced a heart wrenching pain but unfortunately there is no medicine for it.
Zhang Wei was near the entrance of the hill and he could hear Jiang Chen's cries. His heart ached for his best friend. He never imagined that there would be such a day in Chen's life. He increased the speed of his car and reached the peak point where Ziyi's tomb was located. He looked at Jiang Chen silently.
There were Tears flowing continuously from his eyes. He held his fists tighter and started banging himself. He shouted, cried, laughed and for a second, Zhang Wei was scared that he became mad. It wouldn't be a surprise even if he becomes one.
With a faint voice he said, "Ziyi!! I love you. I love you a lot… More than anyone and more than anything in this world, I love you." These are the words I said to myself thousands of times. I wanted to say these words, the moment I met you. After 5 years, I met you like this. Why did you leave me Ziyi? Didn't you say that you would always be around me? Didn't you promise to celebrate my birthday every year? Didn't you swear to love me infinitely? Why did you give up in the middle?