Ziyi's body started trembling after she slapped Jiang Chen. Her eyes were burning with rage. Her body was emitting a murderous aura. This scene made everyone scared, especially her close friends. They were really stunned because no matter how angry she is, Ziyi would never use her hand to respond. But, even this guy is absolutely ridiculous. No matter how impressed he may be, how can he randomly pop out and kiss her in front of everyone ..How dare he?? Angela wanted to kill that bastard but right now, her first priority is to take care of Ziyi
While Ziyi was furious, Jiang Chen was shocked at the outcome. He didn't expect that his Ziyi would hit him hard. As he regained his composure and looked at her cold eyes, his heart felt a deep pain inside. Ziyi stared at him and left the stage saying, "How disgusting!! "
Jiang Chen felt terrible inside listening to her words. It has been five years...1826 days.. 43824 hours.. 2.6 million minutes... He waited for this moment to see her.. But the first word she mentioned after their meeting was, "How disgusting!! ".At that moment, his body felt like strangled to death... The little happiness that he had earlier dissipated like a vapour...
As Jiang Chen stood still on the stage, Zhang Wei rushed towards him. He couldn't understand the reason why Jiang Chen suddenly kissed Icey out of the blue.He approached Jiang Chen and glanced at him.Jiang Chen looked at him bluntly and left with no other option, Jiang Chen dragged him out of the venue. He made Jiang Chen sit on a bench outside and gave him a bottle of water..
Jiang Chen took the bottle and had a sip of water. Finally his brain came back to the real world... Looking at Zhang Wei, he said anxiously, "Wei!! I saw her now.. She is alive "
Although Zhang Wei knows he is talking about Ziyi, he just wanted to confirm once again whether if it is really true or it is his hallucination.
So he asked calmly, "who?? "
Jiang Chen looked at him and replied, "Ziyi.. The girl who was earlier on the stage is my Ziyi. She is alive "
Looking at the spark mixed with sadness in Jiang Chen's eyes, Wei's brain heated up. Is what Jiang Chen saying true?? Didn't everyone say that she died?? Then how come Icey is Ziyi?? Suddenly he remembered Ziyi telling him that her Chinese name is Ziyi.. Is it really like what Jiang Chen said. He need to look into this matter carefully..
Looking at Zhang Wei engrossed in his thoughts, Chen questioned him sadly, "Don't you believe me?? ". Wei didn't know what to answer.. However, he replied, "If I don't, then who will?? ". Do not think much about this..For now let's get inside the car. Everyone here is staring at us as if we were some criminals...Jiang Chen looked at the surroundings and there were hundreds of students staring at them. He went inside the car and closed the doors.
He closed his eyes and adjusted his car seat in a comfortable position to sleep.. Zhang Wei looked at his right cheek and it turned out little red and swollen. He told Jiang Chen, "Let's go to hospital for now. Your cheek got swollen. She is really too much. How can she hit you this hard?? "
Jiang Chen looked at him and asked, " Is it really that bad? "
Zhang Wei replied, "Do you think i'm lying?? She did hit you very hard indeed. "
Jiang Chen questioned back, "Then do you think her hand is okay?? "
Zhang Wei shouted "Awwww"..he felt like pulling his hair.