Dare to offend

Zhang Wei couldn't sustain inside the crowded room. So, he swiftly came out of the auditorium. He was very worried about Jiang Chen.So,he took the long route to makeup room. Usually Chen is not an impulsive person, but as usual, Ziyi is an exception. On his way, he called the PA.

After two months, the first time, Zhang Wei's PA was very happy. The last two months was no less than a horror dream.Every day he worked for 18 hours in order to compensate Jiang's absence during the first three weeks. His boss told him to take a break today and leave early.. As he was about to shut down his laptop and leave, suddenly his mobile started ringing. Unwillingly, he picked up the call. From the other side, Zhang Wei asked, "I need you to urgently look into an important matter right now"

The PA cried inside, why is it so urgent boss?? I booked to watch a movie with my girl friend after these many days.. Why must you call me now?? But he couldn't say these words on Zhang Wei's face. He calmly said, "Yes boss, tell me!! "

Zhang Wei knew that his PA must be pissed by now.He was aware of how hard his PA has been working for the last couple of days.. So, he said, "It's nothing much.It won't take a longer time. I need to investigate someone's identity. It's highly confidential. Contact the best detective agency and give them a day time. Then you can leave for the day. "

The PA felt very happy inside. He said, "Boss, can't we investigate through our intelligence agency?? ".

Zhang Wei knows that his PA didn't ask this question out of no reason. In fact, Zhang Intelligence Agency is pretty efficient. They can find anything as early as possible given it is in Europe. The only mission they have failed so far was finding Ziyi five years. Although, it was their biggest disappointment , his team can crack any complex problem. But this time, he doesn't want the history to repeat. So, he carefully wanted to hand over this case to other agency. Noticing the silence from the other end, the PA understood that this matter is really complicated. So he replied, "Boss, do you want me to find ACE agency for this matter?? "

Zhang Wei said, "Yes!! only them. Pay them how much ever they ask. I need the details as early as possible ,most likely in 24hours" Zhang Wei's PA almost cried this time. In 24hours?? Do you think even possible?? ACE agency is the best intelligence agency known in entire England. No one knows who the members are, but they can even find the traces of a dinosaur that was extinct, several years ago. The only mode of communication is dropping them an email. Nobody knows when they would respond... On top of that, they will only do the task if they feel like doing else even if you offer billions, they won't do. Even his boss knew this matter but still asking him to obtain the details in one day. He said, "I will contact them right away boss. please send me the details of the person, whose background needs to be investigated"

Zhang Wei opened his mobile and looked at the photos of the performance, which he took earlier. He cropped Ziyi 'S face and sent her basic info to the PA.


Ziyi was shocked looking at Jiang Chen's face. Her face became very cold and there was a little moist in her eyes. Just as Jiang Chen was about to speak, both Zhang Wei and her friends arrived near the door. Everyone opened their mouth wide in surprise. Ziyi was lying on Jiang Chen's lap and both their eyes are hooked up on each other.

Ziyi got up slowly and started walking towards the main door.

This time Jiang Chen snapped out of his thoughts and said requesting, "Ziyi, I am sorry for the earlier incident. Please speak something"

Ziyi remained silent. Jiang Chen was furious this time. Her silence is killing him inside. She tried to walk away and this time, he shouted, "Ziyi.. Don't you dare!!"

Ziyi turned back and replied, " Tell me Mr. Jiang!!! How can I dare to offend you?? "