
Hearing her words, Zaw pulled her ponytail and said, "No matter how old you are, you still talk like a kid, without giving a second thought. Just because of your words, do you think the entire Zhang group would be bankrupt and their CEO would come onto the roads ??"

Angela looked at Zaw seriously and said, "Who knows !!One day , he would kneel down in front of me asking for my apology..Hmph !! You never know...Right Ziyi ??"

Ziyi smiled softly and said, " Hmm..true !! Guys, lets stop the discussion here and go for some snacks. I am literally starving right now ". Aseem joined saying, "Even me too..Let's go for pizza hut. They got some discounts for the students and it's quite close by"

Everyone agreed and went inside the pizza hut.But they never knew that two people are observing following them from a very long time.


San Antonio, USA

An office lady was walking elegantly all along the stairway and her pointed heels are making the tap tap rhythmic sound. Her physique and posture was perfect. Her hair was tied into a tight pony and her face reflected confidence. As she greeted everyone on their way, suddenly, her phone started buzzing.

Seeing the caller's Id, she attended the call immediately and answered politely, " Yes President Jiang !!"

Jiang Chen replied in a normal tone, "Jenny ..The plan is changed now. I am going to take a personal leave for 3 months. Cancel all my meetings and let the vice-president and other executives deal with the other stuff "

Jenny replied worriedly, "But Boss, we got three major events planned in the upcoming quarter. And for two of those events, your presence is mandatory"

Jiang Chen replied irritatingly, "Jenny !! just do what I say". Having left with no other option, she replied softly, "Yes boss !! I will cancel all your appointments and inform the board directors also. Is there anything else you need me to help you with ?"

Jiang Chen replied, "Nothing in particular. Bye ". After saying these words, he simply cut the call.

Jenny simply sighed and went back to her cabin. Exactly at 02:30 PM ,her personal mobile started ringing. Though, Jenny was very busy, she attended the call.

"Hello Jenny !!", someone from the other end shouted in cheerfulness

she replied sadly "Hello"

"What's wrong with your tone ?? Didn't you had your lunch ??",the other person questioned.

She sighed and replied, "No..Don't even ask about that. Just because of my devilish boss, my life is always hell. I always feel like killing him"

"Are you serious ?"

"Yes, I am..Who does he think he is ?? Have you ever heard a CEO taking 3 months of vacation ? He is ridiculous..absolutely ridiculous. His life's only ambition is how to make Jenny's life worse ... "

"What a worst CEO..Don't work for him anymore. Just resign your job. I will give you a job..After all you have such an amazing friend like me.... "

"Stop Joking Jiang Chen !! I literally feel like murdering you. For the last 3 months, you disappeared just like that. You barely work.I know that things are very bad at your end but how can you be so irresponsible ? Do you even know how many families are dependent on Jiang group ? I don't know what to say...Isn't your plan to come to Las Vegas next weeks ? Why did it suddenly change ? Till yesterday, you used to nag all the day that you want to come back to USA and suddenly today you called and simply said that you need a vacation. Wait till the end of the day. I will send you my resignation."