Mr. Money bags

Hearing her question, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "I personally feel that the luck is all mine to meet you thrice in the same day. In fact, I should be the one who must be purchasing a lottery now!! "

Ziyi sneered and said, "Copy cat"

Jiang Chen laughed out loud and said, "Probably !! By the way, you don't need to purchase a lottery to win the million pounds.. Just let me know, I will give you that one million"

Ziyi coldly looked at him and said, "Mr. Money bags, if you got enough money, try spending for the needy instead of showing off. Having too much of money is a pain in the ass,you know!! "

If someone else would have said this sentence, Jiang Chen might have blasted them immediately on their face with some sarcastical comments.After all, he is the epitome of counter answering. But however, he couldn't talk back at Ziyi, given no matter how angry he might be. He observed her face calmly with a cheerful smile on his face.

Ziyi felt irritated looking at his dumb expression and before she could answer something, her manager came out and called her into the office.

Ziyi gave a serious look at Jiang Chen and followed her manager into her office. The lady at the counter asked Jiang Chen, if he want the products to be billed?? Jiang Chen replied no and went back to add few more products to his cart.

Ziyi took her wage and spoke with her manager for a while. After 15minutes, she opened the door and noticed that Jiang Chen was still doing the purchase. She knew the reason that Jiang Chen was waiting for her but her patience level for that particular day was exhausted. So, she took the stairs from the back door of her manager's room and left the store. After getting down, she noticed that the guy who was following her earlier was nowhere near. Probably, he must be waiting at the front door of the store. She walked slowly for a bit and went inside her home

Jiang Chen waited for almost 45 minutes but still Ziyi didn't come out. Suddenly, his mobile started vibrating. He looked at the caller's Id and picked it up saying, "Hello!! "

From the other end Zhang Wei said sarcastically , "How long are you going to take to buy 6 eggs??with the time you took, I thought that you were waiting for two chicken to consummate and produce fresh eggs so that you can buy and come"

Jiang Chen calmly said, "Do you expect me to laugh over this uncracked joke?? ".Zhang Wei could sense the irritation in his voice. He slowly asked, " what happened?? Why are you taking this much time and sound irritated? "

Before Jiang Chen could speak something, the store assistant announced that it's time for the store closure and all the customers should go to the billing section immediately. He told, "I will come and explain you everything ". He rushed towards the counter and waited outside the store for Ziyi to come. But after 15minutes, all the staff left but Jiang Chen alone was waiting outside. Finally, he saw Ziyi's manager and went to ask her about Ziyi. She told him that Ziyi left almost an hour ago through the other door.

Jiang Chen felt very sad and started walking back to his house.

As he was about to enter into the lancing road, he could see a familiar person walking ahead of him. The lady seemed to be 25-28 years old and there was a little baby along with her. Before he could recollect who she was, she took a left and went inside Ziyi's home. He took long steps to see her but unfortunately by the time he arrived, the lady went inside the home

As Ziyi opened the door, she could see a little doll trying to crawl on her body. Seeing Ziyi's face, she shouted, "Mommmyyyyy!! "