Jiang Chen woke up from his sleep suddenly. His loud scream echoed in the entire mansion. Zhang Wei, who was in deep sleep in the other room got up and rushed to Jiang Chen's room. As he entered, he could see droplets of sweat starting flowing from his face. His hands were mildly trembling and his body seems to be shivering. His face seems exhausted and his eyes were looking very sad.
Zhang Wei rushed close to him and worriedly asked, "Chen are you alright?? What happened?? Why are you like this? ". Jiang Chen didn't respond and his mind is still in some trans state. Seeing no response, Wei shaked his body with little force. After a couple of seconds, Chen got into reality. He opened his mouth and said, " Wei... Ziyi!! Ziyi!! "..his words were stuttering... His hands trembled vigorously.
Zhang Wei poured a glass of water and passed it to him. He softly said, "Calm down and drink this glass of water.It's almost 3:15 AM..It must be some nightmare.. Look at the surroundings now.. You are still in our guest house."
Jiang Chen looked at the surroundings and finally came to his senses. He narrated the dream to Zhang Wei and during his narration, Wei could sense his worry. The moment when he said, "I touched her blood..." his whole body started trembling....
Seeing Jiang Chen like this, Zhang Wei's heart ached. According to everyone, Jiang Chen is a cold blooded person. But, once he likes someone, only then, he shows how tender his heart is...Ziyi is one of them.. Anything related to her impacts his senses..Probably that's why people do say occasionally that love is senseless..
Zhang Wei hugged Jiang Chen and said, "Relax Jiang Chen.. Nothing is going to happen to Ziyi.. Let's go and see her tomorrow morning at the University. Okay?? "
Jiang Chen calmed down for a second and said, "Find her home address and contact number immediately. I need to see her right now.. I already lost her once.. I can't afford to lose her anymore". Zhang Wei wanted to retaliate saying that the time is 3AM but looking at Jiang Chen's stubbornness, he couldn't utter a single word.
He nodded his head and went out to make some calls. He first called his PA to get the vice chancellor's contact number and then after obtaining the number, he gave a call to the VC... Probably, the VC might have been in deep sleep, he didn't pick up the call. Wei came back to Jiang Chen's room and said, "The VC is not picking up the call.. Don't worry.. My PA said that he is in Sheffield only. We will call him after 6 AM and get her details. "
Jiang Chen gave him a serious look and said, "Get his home address.. We will leave in another 10 minutes ". Wei nodded and went to his room.
Just as per her expectation, Ram called her at 3:25 AM. He gave a call as soon as he entered the city. Ziyi went up stairs and woke up Anran. As Anran went to freshen up, Ziyi Ziyi went back to the living room. She opened her laptop once again and as she was about to connect, the door bell started buzzing. She immediately shut down her lappy and got up from sofa. Then she went and opened the door expecting it to be Ram..
As she opened, her eyes opened wide in surprise. She just stood like a statue and Chen and Wei smiled seeing her surprised expression..
In a unison, they shouted, "Surprise!!!! "