Family love

Ziyi walked out of the building fastly to avoid Jiang Chen, meeting her on the way back. She directly went to the library and studied for two hours. Her mobile started vibrating and she looked at the caller's name. A tender smile appeared on her face. She locked her system and walked out of the library without picking up the call.The call disconnected and suddenly from an another number, a new call started to pop in...

She just smiled and and connected her bluetooth. Then she answered the call "Hey Handsome !!"

"Why didn't you pick my call earlier ?", an angered female tone responded.

she laughed and said, "I was in library then..Seeing your call, I just packed my bags and walked out of the library. Thought to call you back and meanwhile, you called me from his number"

"I don't believe.. He told me that you will pick his call just now and as said, you did.. ",she complained

"Come on Mom!! don't you believe me?"

"No, I need proof", Ziyi's mom commanded.

uffff...She immediately changed the voice call to video call and her mom received it.

"See..See the background clearly...Can you read clearly?? That's Staples Library", Ziyi sighed and responded helplessly.

"Ofcourse Darling !! Why don't I trust my own daughter ?", her mom answered sheepishly.

"Oh really !! Mom, I know well about you..I know your dramas well. Who was the one, who said she won't believe me ?"

My Sweet Icey...!! Wasting memory is a sin dear. Just delete all my previous words previously. You will refresh about 120 Kb of memory, you know !!

Ziyi know well about her mom's intentions. Whenever her mom makes any mistake, she will try to escape from the situation by saying something ridiculous. Her Mom is just very cute.

"Hmm Okay Mom..!! Now tell me, why did you call me suddenly ?"

"How long has it been since you called me Icey ?"

Icey's eyebrows frowned a little, but still she kept her usual calmness. "Mom, Didn't I call you yesterday morning ?"

"That was yesterday morning...Why didn't you call again ?"

"Mom, I was about to call you tonight..Why? what happened ? why did you suddenly ask this question out of the blue ?", Ziyi questioned calmly.

"It has been almost 36 hours since we last spoke..and you didn't call me again. Do you know how much your dad is showing off since you called him yesterday night only. Even now, you picked up his call..he is flaunting like anything", Ziyi's mom spoke angrily.

Ziyi got a headache almost. Her parents always compete with each other,when it comes to Ziyi's matters..whether in terms of her achievements,calls,clothes, pocket money, gifts...everything !!They bicker at each other like kids. Her mom always feels jealous of Ziyi's and her husband's closeness.So,her dad occasionally likes to irritate her.

Ziyi laughed out loud and said, "Dad..come to the video call."

Mr. Zhang stood at the backside of Mrs.Zhang and replied, " Hey Icey !! How are you sweet heart ?"

Mrs.Zhang's face immediately became small and her face turned red from anger. She looks like a red cherry. Ziyi noticed her father's naughtiness and sighed, "Oh Dad....Stop teasing Mom !! I am good. Are you guys really that bored in home and haven't got any other work other than comparing my total calls made to each of you ?"

Mr. Zhang smiled and said, "It was your mom, who started it in the first place"

Holding her phone in right hand, Ziyi placed her left hand on her forehead,showcasing the headache expression. She looked at her mom sad sulking expression and replied slowly "Mom...Shall I tell you something exclusively for you ?"

Mrs.Zhang's eyes opened wide with excitement and said, "Tell me Xiaoyi". Usually in Ziyi's home, her mom and dad always call her with her english name. Only when they goto their ancestral home or chinese gatherings, they call her as Ziyi. Her mom calls her as 'Xiaoyi' when she wants to make a request or feels extremely happy.

"I didn't call Dad for the past two days. He is just making fun of you", she grinned.

Mrs. Zhang lifted her head to see her husband standing at the back of her husband in surprise and suddenly, her husband bent down and pecked on Ziyi's mom lips. Mrs. Zhang felt extremely shy and noticed that Ziyi was still in the video call. She took a cushion pillow and threw at her husband in anger.

Ziyi pouted angrily," Stop feeding dog food in front of poor singles like me"

"I have a husband. So I will feed you !! When you get a husband, you can feed others as well ...Hmph !!"

Mr. Zhang came back and hugged his wife from the backside and both of them are facing the screen camera. "Whatever your mom says is always right darling!!"

"Are you guys sure that I am your biological daughter ?", Ziyi questioned instantly.

"From a genetic perspective, it must be ", both replied in unison.

Ziyi sighed inwardly and thought, these people are full of romance and always flaunt their love in front of their child. What a pity !! "Dear Buddha, please don't give such a punishment to any other child in this world."

Later she spoke for some more time and ended up the call. She started walking back to her home and suddenly halfway through, her heart felt extremely heavy.She tried to look for medicine in her bag,but before her hand reached the bag, entire energy in her body was lost. Dizziness clouded her eyes and in semi-conscious state, someone fed her medicine and let her drink water. She could hear that the man was on phone call with someone and responding, 'Yes Boss..! I fed her the medicine. I will leave now !!"

She tried to hold his hand and tried his face, but due to her eyelid's heaviness, she could only see a tattoo of snake and some blurred letter next to it.