Chapter 02 - Carina P.O.V. (The Past)

~~ One evening, he came home drunk. Then I heard a lot of noises coming from their room, like someone was smashing things. They were shouting at one another. Then the next morning, I saw my mom with bruises. I tried to ask about it but she just averted my questions.

From that day onwards, his true colours showed. He always talked to us like we were garbage. Just with a little argument, he would hit my mom.

There was a time when he was the one who picked me up at school and saw me talking to a boy's classmate infront of the school. I was wearing mini skirt and a hanging sleeveless blouse. He suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me to the car. I got scared when he drove the car in a terrifying speed. I was shouting and begging him to slowdown but he wouldn't listen.

When we reached home, he grabbed my arm again, hurriedly dragged me to my room. I was already crying and tembling with fear.

"Listen to me! Don't you ever wear such a provocative clothes ever again! You're staining my reputation!" He said pointing his fingerat me. He's a pastor in our town's little church. I couldn't even believe a person like him, being a pastor acted like this.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you ans I don't want to hear a single sound fom you!" He snapped at me. I looked at him in the eyes and saw his bloody red eyes. I shuddered with fear and trying to stop crying controlling my sobs.

The next day, he throw all my clothes away and replaced it with the "proper clothes" as He called it.

I kept asking my mom to leave him but she wouldn't listen. She was a perfect mom to me but I didn't understand whe she couldn't leave him.

One day, my stepfather went somewhere and told us he would come back the next day so mom and I decided to go out and fun. It's been a long time since we last went out together. We went to the movies, ate in the restaurant and went to the amusement park. We were so happy. When we arrived home, we were shocked to see my stepfather home. He was so angry and beat the hell out of us. I couldn't even go to school for a couple of days becauae of the beatings.

We lived like that for 9 years. He, as the ruler of the house, and us were only his puppets. He wouldn't even tolerate a little bit of any complaints from us. Every Sunday, we went to church, pretended to be a happy family.

Then on my 20th birthday, my friends and I celebrated it at the beach resort of Christine's family. I enjoyed it a lot that I forgot to went home early. When I noticed that it was already dark, I told my friends that I needed to go home.

Just before I closed back the main door, my stepfather grabbed my hair and dragged me to the couch. I instantly go scared that I cried begging him to stop.

"You never learn, do you? It looks like I need to punish you severely so that you'll never defy me again." He said as he started to unbuckle his belt. I was trembling but I couldn't run. At first, I thought he was going to hit me with his belt but when he started to strip his shirt, I only realized what he was about to do. He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. I started screaming like crazy and tried to fight him with all my might but he was so strong. He started kissing my neck like there's no tomorrow. I felt so disgusted by what he did. Just when he was about to pull my skirt down, the door opened and I saw my mom.

"Jack! What the hell are you doing to my daughter?" She shouted as she tried to push him away from me. Jack got angry and pushed my mother away and she fell. Then he proceeded in undressing me. I tried kicking him but he pinned me with his body, slapped my face so hard and punched my stomach that I almost lost consciousness. I felt so weak. Then I saw my mom hit my stepfather's head with a vase. He fell on the ground groaning in pain. I saw blood dripping from his head. My mom rushed over and hugged me.

"Are you okay, baby?" Come, we need to get out of here!" She said panicking. She helped and asissted me to dressed as I barely had no strength left. Just as we reached the gate, my stepfather caught up with us and grabbed my mom's hair. My mom and I were screaming and this caught the attention of some bystanders along the street.

"Help us! Please, help us! I shouted though I couldn't have much strength and my thoat hurts. Then I heard a thud. I saw my mom lying on the ground cupping her stomach. I saw she was bleeding and after I approached her, then I realized that Jack stabbed her.

"Mom! Are you okay?!! My mom was stabbed!" I shouted then I heard the police car siren, someone hv called the police. Jack tried to flee the scene but caught by some bystanders and the police.

"Mom, please don't leave me! You're all I have. Please, fight for me." I begged as I held her hand crying.

I felt her pressing my hand and motioned me to lend her my ear.

"Cari, I don't know.... if.... I can m_make it... but I need y_you to find Florent Denois if I d_die."

I panicked. I barely comprehended what she was talking about. All I wanted that time was for her to be okay.

"Mom, please. Promise me that you won't leave me." I cried.

I_I love.... you, my baby...."

"I love you too mom. Please don't talk. Just save your strength until we reach the hospital."

I felt her pressing my hand once more time.

"My... room.... search.... for h_his.... huhhh.." then I felt her hand let go of my hand. I saw her eyes closed as a tear fell from it. I panicked and I shook to wake her up and the medical staff inside the ambulance immediately tended to my mom. After we got to the hospital, I barely recalled what happened after that. The only thing that came in my mind was the doctor saying condolences to me, patted my shoulder and left...

"Come back! Come back! My mom's not dead.... she's...." ~~

# The Present #

"Earth to Carina!" I saw Christine waving her hand infront of my face.

"What happened to you? I was busy talking to you but you were so into your own thoughts. Not listening to me at all." She whinned and sat on the sofa.

"I'm sorry. I just remembered something."

"About what?" She asked, then she noticed my sad expression. She got up and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Okay. I think you need some air. Let's go.somewhere tonight." She said smilingly.

"Where to?"

"You'll see." replied Christine

"But I haven't unpack yet." I said as I eyed my belongings.

"It's okay. Let's just leave that to Nancy." She winked at me.

"But.." I tried to protest but she interrupted me again.

"No buts." She said with a demand and finality voice.