Chapter 16 - Point Of Views (G)


I felt so confused about her question. There was no doubts that I wanted her badly from the first time I saw her. I just kept on denying it. I wanted to punch myself in the face. This was all my fault. I dragged her into my mess. I planned not to involved myself with her but as the times goes by, my desire for her grew stronger and stronger until that I couldn't control myself anymore.

When we arrived here, I kept drinking alcohol just to forget about her. The fact that she was just next to my room was driving me crazy. I kept reminding myself that I must not drag her with my troubles but I couldn't take it anymore. When I saw her embraced by that guy, Gian, I wanted to kill him but most of all, the fact she went on a date with him made me throw all my cautions away without any doubt to the wind. All I knew was that I want her and nobody could take her away from me, no one.

"Please, just answer my question sincerely. I don't want to engage in a relationship without love." I heard her said. I heaved a sigh.

"Yes! I love you Carina. This is my first time feeling this way towards a person, you. Do you love me too?" There was a hint of anxiousness in my voice, nervous of what her answer would be.

"I-I love you too. I know this was all so sudden but I want to gamble with my feelings for you." Tears pooled down her eyes but she was smiling at the same time.

"Why the tears then? Aren't you happy?" I asked her with a gentle voice and she shook her head as a response.

"No. I am just so happy right now. I didn't expect us to be like this. You know, to be in love with each other." I chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. I too was very happy. I couldn't believe that this kind of happiness was possible.

"Me too, little kitten. Me too." I whispered to her and claimed her soft lips. She instantly responded and I deepened the kiss. My arousal went wild again. Nobody made me feel this way but her, only her. I palmed her breast through her blouse and she groaned with pleasure.

I broke off our kiss and kissed her cheeks, then slowly travelled down her neck. She was gasping for air as I gently nips, sucked and kissed her there, breasts. Her fingers were raking through my hair. I was about to claim her lips again when her cellphone rangs.

"Wait. My phone is ringing." She purred as she evaded my kiss and took out her phone from her bag. I saw who it was because his picture was appearing on the screen. I instantly felt irritated and angry.

"Hello Gian... Sorry, I forgot to call you. I can't come with you today... Yes... No. It's not about work... Maybe next time... Yeah, I hope so too... Bye..." I heard her saying and I noticed her expression became slightly sad and I couldn't stop feeling being jealous.



I felt like I was on cloud 9 when he said that he loved me. I couldn't believe it. When he kissed me, fire was ignited within me and I responded to him hungrily. He was giving me the strange sensual feelings that I never felt before. When he was about to claim my lips again, the phone rang.

I came back to my senses and searched for my cellphone inside my bag, answered it. It was Gian. I felt guilty all of the sudden as I totally forgotten about him.

Cari: Hello, Gian.

Gian: Hello Cari. I called to ask if you can make it today. You know, go out and have fun with me.

Cari: Sorry, I forgot to call you. I can't come with you today.

Gian: Really? Why? Do you have to work?

Cari: No. It's not about work. Maybe next time.

Gian: That sucks but I hope you can make it next time.

Cari: Yeah. I hope so .

Gian: Okay. I will call you again some other time. Bye Cari.

Cari: Bye..

I put back my phone inside my bag and then I stared at Regan. My eyebrows scrunched as I noticed him looking outside as he clenched his jaws.

"Regan...." I called him but he wasn't responding. I cupped his face and made him look at me.

"Is there anything wrong?" I asked him, worried.

"I hate it when you talked to that guy, Gian. Don't talk to him ever again." He said through gritted teeth. I scowled at him.

"What are you talking about? Gian is my bestfriend. I cannot do that." I reasoned out.

"Little kitten, you are mine and I don't like sharing your attention with other guys." He touched my cheek with his hand.

"Regan.., don't tell me you're jealous of Gian?" I teased him and my eyes widened when I saw guilts in his expression.

"Oh my god! You're jealous!" I exclaimed, a little bit amused of him. I never thought that he could act like this. He looked at me in the eyes and his gaze hardened.

"Yes! I am jealous! So what? I told you, you're mine and I am telling you now that I am very possessive." I leaned towards him and kissed his cheeks.

"Don't be jealous because there's no reason for you to be jealous of him, okay?" He cupped my nape and massaged it gently as he grazed his lips on mine again and again, teasing me. Then, he leaned and rested his forehead against mine.

"Tell me. What did you do with that Gian yesterday?" He asked possessively again and I couldn't help smiling to myself.

"We dined in a restaurant and then went to Eiffel Tower. That was it. We didn't have enough time to go somewhere else."

"That's it? He didn't do anything or say anything strange?" He inquired and I averted his eyes as I recalled what Gian told me.

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked him, trying to divert the topic to something else. He stared at me suspiciously.

"You are hiding something from me. Tell me little kitten. I want to know." His expression became serious and I felt a little nervous. I decided to tell him the truth. I don't want to keep any secrets from him.

"H-He confessed his feelings to me." I saw him gritted his teeth. He was indeed possessive. I was caressing his arm trying to calm him down.

"How dare him!" His fist tightened and I reached for it, trying to make him loosen his grip and anger.

"Shhh... Just forget about it. I love you and that's all that matters. You understand me?"

His fist loosened and his expression mellowed.


The car stopped infront of a fancy looking restaurant. He quickly went out and opened the door for me.

"Let's eat lunch first." He said as he guided my arm around his arm

"But this restaurant is so fancy and I am under-dressed!" I whined as I saw the people entering wearing fancy looking clothes.

"It's okay. This restaurant doesn't really care about your dressing as long as they know who you are and you have a reservation." He answered confidently.

The meal that we ordered was so delicious but the one thing that I enjoyed the most was his attention to me. He even insisted on peeling the shrimp for me. I didn't know that he could be this sweet. I felt comfortable around him, unlike before. I saw a bit of sauce at the corner of his lips and I wiped it off. He stopped eating and smiled at me lovingly.

"Thank you little kitten." He said sweetly and pecked my lips with a kiss. My cheeks turned red.

"You're welcome honey." I teased him and his eyes twinkled with joy.

"Honey... I like that. Keep calling me that, kitten." He said as he kissed me again. I playfully hit his shoulder and pushed him away gently because some people were smiling at us.

"Where do you want to go after this?" He asked and drank his red wine.

"Hmm... Show me around town. We can go to the tower too. I would like to go there with you."

"Okay, as you wish." He winked at me playfully and kissed my cheeks. He likes to kiss a lot and I enjoyed his loving and sweet attitude to me.


After we ate, we drove to the Arc de Triomphe. We walked hand in hand at the Avenue des Champs Elysees like other lovers. We took pictures together and sometimes he asked his bodyguard to take pictures of us together. We visited some luxury stores and he even insisted on buying me a signature bag but I declined.

"Why? Don't you like this bag? If you want we can go to the other shops." I put my forefinger on his lips to stop him from talking.

"Regan, I don't need these kinds of bags. Look at the prices, it's so expensive." I reasoned out. We'hv been arguing about buying it for at least five minutes already. He was so stubborn.

"Regan? I told you, call me honey. I like it when you called my name but I love it when you called me honey. Come on kitten. I like to buy this bag for you. Don't mind the price." He embraced me from my back and I leaned my body to him just to wiggle out when I realized that we were still inside the luxury shop. The sales lady who had been ogling at him for sometimes already had a sour expression on her face as she looked at me.

"Okay honey. I am telling you that I don't need this bag. Just treat me to an ice-cream and that's it." He rolled his eyes and gave the bag back to the sales lady and we went out of the store. We were about to walk away when he spoke.

"I forgot something inside. Wait for me here okay?" I looked at him suspiciously but he just laughed at me.

"You're so adorable you know that, my little kitten? You're making me more in love with you." I smiled at his honesty.

"Whatever. Just go. I will wait for you here." I said and sat on the bench under the tree waiting for him. There was.a small garden at the side of the road. He went inside and about five minutes later, he came out. I was scowling at him while he was approaching me.

"What did you do inside? You made me wait for five minutes here." I pouted and he chuckled at my reaction. He pulled me closer to him and kiss the tip of my nose.

"C'mon, let's go. I want to show you some tourist spots here." He pulled my hand and guided me to the car. I didn't even notice that it was already there to pick us up.

We spent the remaining of the day roaming the other parts of the city. He really knew all his way around the areas. When we saw an ice-cream parlor, he remembered what I said to him and wanted to buy me one.

"What flavor do you want?" He asked as we were gazing down at the different flavors.

"I want this one.... 'Chocolat au lait" I answered. He told the seller our order. He ordered the 'Glace Rhum-Raisin.'


"Did you grow up here?" I asked him while we were at the Pyramide du Louvre.

"Yes. I grew up I this city that's why I know all the beautiful spots here " He said and hugged me from behind. I took out my phone and took the opportunity to take a picture with him in this position. He placed his head at the side of my neck, his chin on my shoulder. We were smiling on the phone camera..

"Send it to me." He requested as he took out his phone. I sent it to him and he instantly made the photo his home screen wallpaper. I smiled at him happily.

"Do the same. I want you to remember me all the time." I rolled my eyes to him playfully but I did it anyway. After that, we also went to the Pont Alexandre III, Place de la Concorde and some other places where I couldn't remembered there's complicated names to my ears.

When the sun set and the Eiffel Tower was lits on, we decided to go there. We even went to the top of the tower. The view was spectacular. The Champs de Mars from above was more beautiful. The city lights were nothing like I'hv ever seen before.

"Thank you for bringing me here. It's so beautiful." I said to him as I gaze at the 360 degrees scenic views. I hugged myself when I felt the gentle breeze blowing to me. It was a little chilly and I felt him embracing me from behind.

His warmth made my body feel secure and warm. He took out his phone and snapped a photo of us. We just stayed like that, enjoying the warmth of each other. Sometimes, he kisses me on my cheek and neck.

"Tell me about you. I want to know everythings." He said and intertwined our fingers together.