Chapter 20 - Carina's P.O.V. (12)

Regan dropped me off at Christine's house. He said he would pick me up at 9.00pm. I was busy packing my clothes and some belongings when Christine arrived. The way she looked at me told me that she already knew about me moving out.

"So you're really moving in with him?" I looked at her and I saw her serious face. It was rare for me to see Christine with that kind of expression.

"Yeah. I know this's so sudden but I love him that much, you know." I admitted and blushed shyly. Her eyes were fixed at me like she wanted to say something but didn't mention anything.

"Tin, what's wrong?" I asked and approached her. She just stared at me and kept quiet for a moment then she smiled.

"Nothing, forget about it. I am just stressed out. Just remember this Cari, I will always be here for you as your bestfriend. You know I love you right?" I looked at her confusingly but then smiled at her. Maybe she was just sad of me leaving her house. I hugged her.

"What are you saying? This is not like you. Of course, l know you love me and I love you too. Tell me honestly, are you not happy about my relationship with your cousin?" I asked her frankly and she shook her head.

"No. It's not like that. It's just that.... Forget about it. I will help you pack your things." She said and soon we finished the packing. I didn't have much of belongings. Most of my belongings were still at our house. I just got the important ones when I moved here.

Before 9.00pm, Regan arrived and there was an awkward silence between him and Christine which made me wonder what happened between them. They excused themselves and went away from me. Then they were talking seriously. I couldn't hear them because they were almost whispering to one another.

"Did you have a fight with Tin?" I asked Regan when we were in his car. He was the one driving. I heaved a sigh and put his right hand on my thigh, gently squeezing it.

"Nothing. She was just sad. Her parents went back to Texas so she's all alone again." He said while his eyes locked ahead of us. I didn't said anything after that. He tried to divert our topic to another thing and soon the mood became lighter again.


I thought we would be living at Regan's house but he brought me to his penthouse. He told me it was better that way because the office was just 10 minutes drive from there. There were four rooms in the suite and it was big enough that even a family of 4-6 could live there.

"This is our room from now on." He said smiling with teasing eyes. I blushed because of the way he was staring at me. I didn't have time to inspect inside the room because he moved so fast, kissing me lingeringly that my body instantly became hot. He made me wrap my legs around his waist and then he walked us to the bed. Soon I was underneath him moaning of what he was doing to me. He was about to undress me when I stopped him.

"Honey, I think I need to take a bath first and then sort my belongings." I said as I bit my bottom lip. Instead of listening If what I am saying, his hand was already inside my blouse and he pushed my bra up, then palmed my breasts alternatively, gently and teasingly. I felt his lips showering small kisses on my shoulders, then my neck, down to my cleavage through my blouse. He really knows how to make me melt into his arms. A small whimper came out of my mouth when he pulled my blouse up just enough to reveal my breasts in his sight, Then quickly caught one nipple and played with his lips and tongue. I closed my eyes and softly tugged his hair with my hands. His hand was slowly making its way down to my stomach then back to my breasts again. His other hand unzipped my pants and was about to pull it off when his phone rang. He stopped for a second but then proceeded to what He's been doing to me. He eased my pants off together with my panties. Then his phone rang again.

"Damn..!" He hissed and went out of the bed to grab his phone on the computer table. He answered his phone and then all of a sudden, his expression became hard. He just stood there listening to the person he was talking to. He was gritting his teeth because of anger. When he cut off the call, he sat down at the corner of the bed like he was drained out of everything. He ran his hand through his hair In frustration.

"What happened?" I asked him gently and he looked at me like he was about to cry. He quickly embrace me like I was going to disappear. His body was slightly trembling. I hugged him back and we stayed like that for a while. When I gathered all my courage, I pulled away from him and looked at him directly into his eyes.

"Wanna tell me about it?" I asked him gently but he shook his head. I scowled at his reaction. I put back my clothes on and stood infront of him angrily.

"I am tired of this behavior of yours! It's been days that I felt like you're hiding something from me! I thought you loved me?! Then why don't you trust me and tell me about your problems?!" I said bitterly. I was hurt because I felt like he doesn't trust me enough. He just stood there staring at me like he was absorbed into something. I felt my eyes watered and tears fell down.

I saw him became stunned when he realized that I was already crying infront of him. He closed the distance between us and he enveloped me into his arms. He kissed my temple, comforting me.

"I am sorry kitten. I don't have the guts to tell you. I don't want you to leave me." He said in trembling voice. I pulled away from his embrace.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him skeptically.

"Please not now, kitten. I want us to be happy in your first night here in your new home, our home. I don't want to ruin it." He said, his tone was like begging me to understand him. I nodded my head.

"I understand but please Regan, I want you to trust me. To make this relationship work, we must not keep anythings between us. No secrets please." I said honestly and he agreed.

After that he helped me arrange my things, then we took a bath together and we made love under the shower before we went out. We dried our hair and continued making love on the bed. He was insatiable that we fell asleep at almost dawn.


The next few days together with Regan was the happiest days of my life. He was most amazing lover. I didn't have anyone who I could compare with but I could say that he was the best. He was so attentive to my needs and I did my best to make him happy. I gave him all. When we were at the company, we behave professionally but when nobody was around, we kissed and hugged each other. I was the one who suggested for us to be civil at the office because I didn't want the other employees to start gossiping about us. I believed that the less people knew about it, there'll be less complications.

Every weekend, I was the one who cooks for us. I told Nina, our maid, to go home earlier during weekends because I wanted to be the one cooking dinner. I couldn't do it during weekdays because we always finish late at the office.

I was in the kitchen busy cooking. Regan has a meeting with his lawyer and he didn't want me to go together saying I would get bored there. I was so engrossed in cooking that I got surprised when someone kissed my nape. I looked behind me and Rehan's smiling face greeted me.

"You scared me!" I complained and hit his arm lightly. He just chuckled and continued kissing my neck.

"Hmm..... smells delicious." He said seductively.

"Yeah. It will be ready soon so go up and freshen yourself first." I giggled and tried to keep my mind off from what he was doing to me.

"No. I was referring to you." He said teasingly and I chuckled. I pushed him away lightly.

"You're a naughty boy, you know that?"

"Not a 'boy' though, but a 'man'.." He corrected. I laughed at him. He embraced me from behind. His presence is really calming.

"Hey, don't hug me like that. I am all sweaty." I said consciously but he just tightened his embrace.

"It's okay. I love your smell though." He said playfully and sniffed on my nape. I laughed at him and wiggled out of his embraced.

"Honey. C'mon, go freshen up. I will just finish this peanut soup and then we'll have dinner."

"Peanut? It's a shame I can't eat that." He said. I stared at him confusingly.

"Why? Does it smell horrible?"

"No. Of course not. I really want to taste it but I have an allergy of peanuts." I felt disappointed. I even tried my best to cook for him. Thankfully, the side dish I cooked didn't have any peanut in it.

"Sorry. I didn't know that you have peanut's allergy. You should have told me." I said pouting.

"I am sorry about that. I totally forgotten about it." He said apologetically and I smiled at him.

It's okay. Now go freshen up."

We spent our daya discovering each others, from our likes, dislikes and other things. Sometime, we had small misunderstandings but we always resolved it. He was so understanding and gentle. My days with him made me felt like I was floating with happiness. I thought our happiness would never be destroyed by anything but I was wrong. It didn't occured to me that the most painful revelation would be revealed to me soon after those happy days with him.

One day, I was busy working at the office when a woman stormed inside the office. She was shouting to the guard who was following her. I went out of my office to see who it was. I saw a sexy and beautiful blonde woman. She was wearing skimpy blue dress and high heels. She looked sophisticated.

"Ma'am, Mr Novell isn't here today! Please fill the log book." The guard said but the woman just glazed at him and continued to Regan's office. When she didn't find Regan anywhere, she went out and closed the door angrily. She was about to go out when she noticed me standing on my doorway. She scowled at me while checking me from head to toe.

"So, you are his current toy?" She said while looking at me with disgust. I frowned at her. 'What is she talking about?'

"I don't know what you're talking about ma'am." I responded trying to be polite, calming myself.

"Hmp! C'mon miss, don't act like you don't know what I am talking about." She put her hand on her waist. My mouth hang open, still wandering what was she talking about.

"You're Carina Westbay, right?" She asked but her voice indicating that she was certain it was me.

"Y-Yes. What's this about?"

"Get your hands off what's mine. You don't want me as your enemy." She said looking at me like she was going to harm me or something. Now I was really confused. She looked like she was about to scratch my face if I said something she didn't want to hear. I gathered all my strength and lift my face to her. I could see some employees began to gather around us.

"Sorry, but I really don't know what you're talking about." I said dismissively and was about to walk into my office when she spoke again. Never in my dreams that her next words would directly pierce me in the heart.

"Pretending to be dumb are we? I will warm you once, get your dirty hands off my husband!" The word 'husband' made me looked at her again. I felt like ny breathing stopped right at that moment.

"Husband?" I murmured and I saw her smirked at me.

"Yes! Husband. Regan is my husband, do you know. Poor you. He just used you as my substitute while I wasn't here." She laughed sarcastically. Tears welled from my eyes as I tried to analyze what she just said. 'She is his wife? He just used me?'

I felt like I died at that moment. The pain in my chest was unbearable. The other employees began looking at me accusingly like I have killed someone. I was caught red-handed and I could see in their eyes that I was a villain, a home wrecker, just a mistress. I quickly went inside my office and got my phone and bag, then I stormed out of the office. Thankfully the elevator was empty. My head was hurting but it was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. A kind of pain that unknown for me until to this moment. When I got out of the building, I hailed a taxi, didn't know where to go.

My tears kept on falling. I couldn't believe Regan deceived me. I hugged myself, feeling so alone and empty. Then I realized something, everyone knew. Christine, Ellie, Angela and Mrs Novell knew but they didn't tell me about it. I closed my eyes. They betrayed me, all of them. 'How could I not noticed it? He didn't have a wedding ring or anything that proved he was married. Was I that stupid and naive? Why didn't anyone at the office mentioned about him being married?' I wanted to go somewhere where I could be alone and there was just one place where I could go, at the cemetery.


It was like I was back from three months ago, standing infront of my mom's grave. I put the bouquet of flowers I brought and lit up the candle. My tears never stopped since I left the office.

"Mom, its hurts. I don't know what to do anymore. I love him so much but he just used me." I whispered and wept. I sat on the ground uncaring if it was dirty.

"Please mom, tell me what to do." I said staring at the gravestone helplessly.


I stared at the house that I didn't see for three months. Today was the last day I could step inside. Tomorrow will be the deadline for me to pay the debt of my stepfather but until now, I didn't have enough. I even foolishly forgot about it because I was in cloud 9 for the past month. The furnitures still had the white covers on them that I put before I left the house. It looked the same, except the visible dust everywhere. I went upstairs and opened my mom's room.

I removed the white cloth which was covering the single sofa at the corner of the room and sat on it. My eyes were already sore and puffy because of crying. I remembered three months ago, I was in this same state, crying and alone. The only difference now, was I hate everyone. They played with my emotions, especially Regan. I trusted them but they betrayed me. I wept again. I needed to cry it all out to ease the pain I was feeling.

After I calmed down a bit, a small chest caught my attention. It was underneath the bed. It was my first time seeing it and began to wonder what was inside. I reached for it, and saw it was locked. I tried to search for the key but I couldn't find any. I searched my mom's closet and I saw my mom's wallet and opened it. I saw a key in one of its pocket and I reluctantly put it in the keyhole. To my surprise, it opened.

The first thing, I saw was a pink teddy bear. I picked it up and looked what was underneath it. There, I saw letters, love letters. Then I saw a picture of a guy I'hv never seen before. I looked at the back of the photo and I saw 'I love you always, Florent Denois' written on it. My heartbeat jump faster as I remembered what my mom said before she died. I need y-you to find Florent Denois if.. if I d-die.'

~^~^~THE END~^~^~

**Note: The continuation of 'Volume 2' will be out soon.. Please bear with it for a little while.. Will update it soonest possible.

Thank you for your support and patience.**