Chapter 02 - Reunited


"Sweetheart, I have a surprise for you!" I announced upon seeing her playing with her doll house. She stood up excitedly and hugged my legs.

"What is that mommy? Give it to me." She said while jumping, trying to get my surprise for her. I smiled at her adoringly and bend over to level our heights. I handed her the pink paper bag and she accepted it happily. When she saw what was inside, she giggled happily and hugged the angry bird stuffed toy I bought for her.

"Don't I get a kiss for that sweetheart?" I asked her sweetly and she gladly obliged. She kissed my cheeks and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you mommy. I love you."

"I love you too baby."

After that, I freshened up and we went to the dining room to eat dinner.

"What's your plan for vacation?" My father, Florent Denois asked me. I was busy helping my daughter peeling off the shrimp in her plate when my father asked.

"I am planning to go back to the US but I'm not sure about it yet." He looked surprised and remained silent for a while. I didn't tell him about my plans because I knew there's a chance he wouldn't let me go.


"I have something to take care." He stared at me confusedly. He knew what happened to me there and he wasn't expecting my sudden decision to go back.

"Anyway, I am going out tonight with my friends." My daughter looked at me like she was about to cry.

"Mommy, I want to come with you." She said and stood up from her seat and hugged me.

"I'm sorry baby but I can't bring you there. That place's not good for little girl like you. Don't worry, from tomorrow onwards I will be with you all day. So don't cry, okay?" She nodded her head but her face was still sad. I heaved a sigh and made her sit on my lap.

"Don't worry, I'm going to read you your favorite story until you fall asleep. How's that?"

"Okay mommy." I kissed her forehead.

"Good girl. Smile now." I said and she smiled, showing her dimples.

"It's good that you finally decided to take a vacation. Scarlet is always asking for you. I don't want you to sacrifice your time with her because of the company." My dad said smiling as he gazed at Scarlet on my lap.

"Yeah. From now on, I will make time for her."

"Really mommy?" She asked happily and I smiled fondly at her.

"Yes baby. So be a good girl and eat your vegetables."


After Scarlet fell asleep, I quickly prepared myself. I wore red sexy dress that reached above my knees and stilettos. I just apply a little bit of makeup and let my hair down. I was ready to go.

I went inside my mini cooper and drove to the club. After I parked my car, I entered the club and welcomed by a loud music. It's been a while since I last went to a club. The last time was..... I shook my head to brush off the image of someone who never left my mind for the past four years.

I quickly spotted Kate together with our friends Jessie, Hannah, Sam, John and Erick. I frowned as I saw Erick with them. Kate didn't mention he was coming too. Well it's not that I would mind but it has been awkward between us since I turned him down.

I met the six of them when I took my master's degree. Erick, John while Jessie were my classmates and Kate, Hannah and Sam belonged to another class. We became close when we attended the birthday party of Erick.

"Heys guys! Sorry I'm late." I said the moment I reached them. Everybody turned their heads to me and greeted me happily.

"Hey Carina, this is a surprise! Glad you made it." Hannah said and moved over to her right to give me a space to sit on.

"Well, I'm going for a one month vacation starting tomorrow so I decided to be with you guys."

"Where are you going?" Erick asked and everybody looked at him awkwardly.

"I don't know yet. I'll just want to spend times with Scarlet, maybe going to the US." I just answered matter-of-facts. Erick became silent. Kate ordered some drinks and soon we were having fun. The others went to the dance floor. Erick and I were the ones who were left at the table. I was watching my friends dancing while just sitting there and sipping on my drink.

"They really are having fun." I muttered to myself.

"Why don't we join them?" Erick said and reached for my hand. I quickly pulled my hand away and smiled at him politely.

"No. I'm okay. Go with them. I wil just stay here."

"Carina, please don't be awkward around me. I don't want our friendship to be affected like this." I looked and smiled at him, assuring him that I wasn't awkward with him at all.

"Okay. Maybe later. I will just go to the ladies' room." I stood up with my purse and went to the restroom. I was already tipsy. After using the restroom, I walked towards our table when I collided with someone. Because I was already affected by the alcohol I drank, my feet gave out and I was about to fell on the floor when a pair of strong arms caught me. Our faces were almost touching. I gasped with surprise when I felt the same familiar feeling I thought I wouldn't be feeling anymore, came rushing over me. The smell of the person and the feeling of his touch were so familiar. I slowly lifted my gaze to see who it was and my eyes widened at whom I saw.

"You need to be careful kitten. This place is not for you." His familiar voice, his hot breath, his lips that were almost touching my lips and his strong arms around me. The feeling of familiarity quickly spread throughout my body. Our eyes were locked to each other. His lips were about to go down and touch my lips when someone behind him spoke and that broke the magical spell between us. I quickly got out of his arms.

"What's happening here, Carina?" Erick's stared at us alternately.

"Nothing Erick. Let's go." I said sternly and was about to pass Regan when he grabbed my hand. I looked at him angrily and tried to pull my hand away from his grip but he wouldn't let go.

"Let go of my hand!" I said fuming but he didn't budge.

"Hey dude! The lady said let go of her hand.." Erick interrupted and tried to pull my hand from him but he still didn't let go of it.

"Mind your own business dude. I need to talk to her." He said with determination in his voice. I blinked my eyes as tears threatened to come out. The pain he caused me four years ago was coming back to me again. 'What does he want anyway? He'd done enough!'

I stared at him and I realized right at that moment, I have missed him so much all this time. After all the pain he brought me, my feelings for him still remain in my heart. My thoughts were stopped as Regan pulled me out of the club. Erick followed us angrily. When we got out the club, Erick pulled the collar of Regan's polo shirt and punched his face. Regan was caught off guard that he didn't have time to evade Erick's punch. Regan touched his now reddish cheeks and glared at Erick who was now holding my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Erick asked me full of concern. His eyes fixed on me that he didn't notice Regan approaching him and punched him in the face. I screamed in fear when I saw Erick fell to the ground. Soon the two men fought like an angry buffalos.

"Stop it!" I shouted but not one of them stopped. I saw Kate and the others running towards us.

"What happened? Who's that?" Hannah asked, pointing at Regan. I didn't reply and looked at John.

"John please, do something. They're going to kill each other!" I begged him panicking. John went to the two who was now on the ground, punching each other. John pulled Erick away from Regan. I saw Erick's eyes and lips were now bleeding. Regan on the hand also had blood on his lips too. I muttered something under my breath.

"Dude, can you please leave us now? We don't want trouble." John asked Regan who was staring at me the entire time.

"Sorry, dude but I am here to talk to Carina." Regan said and my friends looked at me, surprised. I averted his gaze. I couldn't bare looking at his bleeding face. It was like I was feeling the pain. I shook my head and turned my back.

"Sorry guys, it looks like I'm going home early." I started walking to the parking lot when I felt the warm hand of Regan on my arm again.

"Let go of me." I hissed without looking at him and tried to free myself from his grip.

"No! I have waited long enough to let you slip out of me again!" He said. Anger boiled inside me. I faced him and was about to lashed out of him when my friends interrupted us.

"Do you know this guy Carina? Who's he?" Kate asked. I could tell that they worried of me because they didn't know Regan. I looked down, didn't know what or how to answer her.

"I'm her boyfriend." Regan replied that made my anger risen. My friends looked at him like he was a crazy person then looked at me in puzzled. They knew I didn't have any boyfriend.

"Don't ever say that! We're over years ago! Leave me alone." I said through gritted teeth. I tightened my fist and glared at him. The nerve of this guy. After what he did to me, he would appear all of a sudden and still claiming me his girlfriend? 'Is he crazy?'

"No relationship is over until I say so! You left me without saying anything! You have been hiding from me for the past four years, damn it!" He said. I was angry so was him. I closed my eyes in frustration. My head started aching and the only thing, I wanted was to get away from him this instant. The pain in my heart was reliving. I thought I already threw all these feelings away long time ago but I was wrong. I thought I'hv moved on, but no.

"I just want to talk." He begged but I turned my back to him.

"We don't have anything to discuss, now if you'll excuse me, I need to go." I said and went straight to my car. I opened it and was about to get in when I heard him talk.

"Kitten please. I need you to listen to me." He pleaded. I closed my eyes, stopping myself from turning back and saw his face. I missed him calling me that endearment. So much that it surprised me. I had the feeling that if I saw his face right now, I would give in and that was the last thing I wanted. I shook my head and brush off the thoughts and got in my car.

While I was driving, I turned the stereo on to distract myself from thinking about him. Then I groaned in irritation as I heard the music on the radio. 'Everytime we touch' by Cascada. The song reminded me again of him. I felt my cheeks became wet. I didn't even know I was already crying. For the past four years, I tried my best to forget about him, even though it almost killed me at times. I made myself strong because of my daughter. She was the only reason I made it and continue living. I toughened myself just to be weakened by him again. Great! Really great!