Chapter Two

I've been alive for two years here now. I could walk and talk, and do anything anyone else my age could too. My mother's name is Altrea Lillian Morgan, but she liked to be called Alty.

My dad was named Matthew, but he was long dead, he had been one of the royal knights, and had passed away guarding the previous king before mom had even found out she was pregnant! Anyways apparently my dad's family tried to fight mom for the money dad left behind for her, even going as far as saying I was another man's child. All of that stopped once I was born, because I looked very much like him there really was no way to argue it.

My name is Rosela Melody Morgan, but mom calls me Rose for short. It was originally going to be just Rose Melody Morgan, but mom thought that was plain so it ended up being Rosela. I had beautiful long black hair and brilliant green eyes, and I was short, even for my age. My mom calls me the little angel, and loves to dote on me when we have the spare money.

Today was my second birthday, and we we're going to the castles library to celebrate, because my mom already had caught me reading. I'm pretty sure that she thinks I just like looking at it, but she might think I can read it. Although maybe she just likes to humor me with the books she gives.


"See Rosie? The castles huge right?" It was indeed huge. In this world there was all sorts of magic just like fairy tales and manga. Mom was a royal physician and she loved her job immensely. Apparently some people in the palace all called her the idiot mother because she apparently brag on me. I love my mother to death but unfortunately, she did give the appearance of an idiot mother. I made the mistake of telling her that once, and let me tell you, she was absolutely adamant that I was just as amazing as she said.

That being said my mother was probably the best person in the world for being able to get permission for me to enter the palace to read. There were two guards at the gates, and as we approached they called out,

"Hello Altrea, is that your daughter? She looks so much like Matthew!" My mother puffed out her chest and I had to stifle a laugh. Then I did the biggest and most adorable smile I can manage. I knew it was in ill taste to use my little body and this way, but there was little else I could do about it without being scary. I watch the guards visibly blink, and my mother chuckled behind me.

"Can we go ahead in?" My mother love to show me off, but there was a limit as we had a time limit. So we hurried to the library and occasionally stop speak to people as we passed. Sometimes they would call out to my mother and ask her advice, other times they would come and ask if I was her daughter. Eventually, all though it felt like forever we finally reached the library.


The library was huge! Walls upon walks of books, and mom said we could be here all day! Shut up, I know I am supposed to be a an adult, but give me a break! how would you feel if this was the first time you can read freely in two years! Mom was great and all, but she couldn't get books as easily as we could in the modern world. Here books were actually pretty rare, so we only have basic ones like the dictionary. This world advanced on Magic, and it was like being back in the industrial revolution but instead of coal, it was magic. I can't help but be excited, I always wanted to learn as much as I could, and sense I had become a child again, well reincarnated, I could now memorize things easily. The only thing I could assume is that I had been given some cheat memory. Of all things, a cheat memory. My mother who was the court physician, used herbalism instead of healing Magic. The reason why was magic wasn't at all, and I do not even mean to slightly, able to cure disease. The reason why was because it was because it wasn't Advanced enough. now I don't mean to knock on Magic, it can make huge pillars of Fire, and could return a desolate field and to its Glory, it could even restore limbs. Diseases however, had to be treated with medicine. My mother who had been poor was unable to learn magic, when she got older she just didn't care. I wanted to learn magic, I did indeed. unfortunately the money my father left was not enough to hire a tutor. In all honesty it really wasn't enough to even fight over. The only thing I can guess is that father's family was just really cruel and screwed up. What other reason would they try to steal the little money we had left? Either way it didn't matter I would never have anything to do with them.