Chapter Sixteen

Shortly after Viscount Jule came in, the First Prince barged in. I wearily lifted my head at the noise of the banging door the door now hanging almost sideways because of the abuse it had suffered so far. I sighed in relief when I realized whom it was. I again put away my work, before asking him why he was there.

"Because I want to talk you!" I sighed before explaining what I meant.

"Are you to talk about work or personal?" My heavily exasperated words made him go 'Ohhh' and I wanted to strangle him.

"Personal!" He says and sigh again.

"I only work in the morning, if it isn't important then wait until after lunch." He pouted at me and I roll my eyes.

"Fine, make it quick." He instantly brightened and went into a long rant about some assignments his dad gave him. Within about four minutes he had finished his rant and I had shooed him off the finish my work.


I had been invited to eat with the King for lunch and discuss things. Naturally I did not want to go.

I was sitting in a luxurious dining room and delicately eating the meal while the King spoke with other advisors, and finally he go to me.

"Rose, how is the plan going? Have you fully drafted it yet?" His voice was harsher then he usually was with me, but noticeably easier on me than the other advisors who had been around much longer.

"Yes, the plan should have arrived at your office, I handed it over to your secretary like you said when I was done." I replied in an easy and clear voice, not rushing like the other two new advisors. Well, we we're more like the office people of modern day than advisors but maybe that was just me?

"Already? I assigned that two days ago? How many pages did the plan spread?" He sipped his glass and I replied when he was finished.

"Fourty-eight sir. There was also an additional twenty pages with it about there past statistics and a detailed reasoning of why it was so high then, but so low now." Every last person at the table choked, despite some not having been drinking nor eating. Well, I did work only in the morning, and I had done a lot. Well, I did do research on the territory during the afternoon and thus the extra twenty pages.

"W-why did you do so much!?" The head Advisor sputtered and I chuckled.

"Viscount Jude has been sending people to harass me for the last two weeks. Today he came in person, and damaged my door considerably. The Prince came shortly after that so now the door is properly broken and hanging sideways, but not the point. I decided it would be better and easier on those in charge of getting him to agree if you had definitive proof. I know he has been troublesome for you as well, so for the sake of our time and his people's lives I thought this approach would be the best course." I had spent a lot of time on coming up with ways the beat him into submission and that was the easiest. We needed to get this moving before his people starved.

"Above and beyond, Ms. Morgan, above and beyond." The advisor was visibly relieved at my extra work, because he was the one who had to negotiate on our side. This would probably save him a full day of arguing letting him get more work done.

"Well, reports done anything else?" The meeting continued without much else said as we ate. Meetings like this were every week, sometimes more if a major project would be undergone. I had finished mine three days earlier than anticipated so after a new assignment I was able to leave.