
When I arrived in the King's office I waited until he finally looked at me.

"Your Highness, I have something I need to discuss with you." I say and I saw a spasm of pain go across his face before smoothing out.

"I have some documents I want you to see, do you have the time?" I ask as I hold up the documents that were really heavy. S-Shut up! I'm a toddler technically I have lee-way! Stop judging me you mean random strangers! Anyways he took them cautiously and then peered at the first paper before brightening and then scowling at the paper and looking over it.

"What's with that reaction Your Majesty?" I peered up at his face and he chuckled before placing the paper on the desk and replying to me.

"You've not spoken to ANY of us, not even your mother. We all thought you were planning something crazy, but brilliant. I didn't think that you could figure out something like this," He gestured to his paperwork before continuing. "but if it ties into your identity there is no way he knows. Only a few people know about it after all." I laugh at him and he flinched in surprise.

"Your Majesty, we both know that's naive. Not everyone is loyal, not everyone is doing well. Some may betray you for money or to protect their families. You might have had a spy from the beginnings in your ranks, you cannot say it's Impossible, because in fact it's highly possible in this instance. We both know that so let's stop pretending everything is going perfectly." He blinked before nervously laughing and then nodded.

"Well, what tipped you off to whomever this is?" He hadn't read more than the first sentence so I started to explain quickly.

"I got the idea that all these events have been lined up a little to well and far too frequently. First off my grandfather isn't smart enough nor skilled enough to realize my value this early on. Nor is he smart enough to realize he could foster trust now and benefit him immensely later on. This means someone has been pulling his strings for a long while, because he tried to get me when I was a mere baby, and tried to take out my mother too. I think this conspiracy has been going on for a lot longer than anticipated... I fear it's going to get worse much faster then we will be able to respond to." I spoke and he nodded before gesturing to the papers again so I began to explain my conclusion.