Its hard to pick nickname

Even tough i always skipping class dont know why but my score never dropped so teacher never make it hard for me. "see Hendri i got rank 5 in this school ezpeazy lemon squezy. i just got some bad dream thats all ". i said while pointing at my score

Hendri looking at me with disgusted. "yeah didnt i say i already see it why the *** you push your certificate to my face its got published on board !!!!".

Some of classmate walking toward us and said "Hendri are you gonna playing Sealing the God Online too ?".

Hendri with shocked face said "what !!! you guys gonna play STG too huh ? you buy the console too huh and i think it was expansive and here u guys all gonna play it too".

The one that asking us is Leo he was basketball captain . but every time there is a match Hendra always took the spotlight

Oh and the one behind him is Freya and Intan those girl always sticking to Leo. Freya laughed and said "hahaha are you joking hendra of course its verry expansive we cant buy the console at all".

Intan joining the conversation "yeah but we got accepted by Goliath company . they were planing to make bussines outta virtual game. they wanna make virtual model".

Yeah i remember in my past life virtual model from Sealing the God was really popular .they doing advertise inside the game since no body watch television anymore since 2 weeks after grand opening. well for people that wanna rest they can just login to virtual game since they could do it while sleeping . watching tv is bad for eyes you could enjoy adventure and relaxing in villa near beach that was feel like heaven.

But of course i never trying that since i got busy looking for trace perpetrator that kill my mother. Hendra then said good bye to those people. we meet Lia outside school , she got surrounded by juniors she was more popular than Hendra. Hendra just popular around girl but Lia popular both side.

Lia finaly see us and said "sorry all my brother fetch me up" . Lia run to us hurriedly and said "what took u so long ari just to pick up ur certificate. did you miss the school or meets girl ??".

i look at her sullen face and said "no way its because your brother got taken by his friend its verry verry hard to take him to here need some blood and tear finaly i succed" .

Lia face became bright again and saying "huh didnt he say faster i wanna take those console can not wait any more who said that!!!!". hendra face look like he doesnt know anything while whistling

"what are u kids ??"i thought in my mind

We finaly got our console and Hendra give it to me while warn me "dont forget 6pm or ill kill you".

"those console alredy linked to your phone number so ill call you after server opened".

I got surprised what a sophisticated technology . i think i gonna like it

Its 1pm still 5hours till the game open i took some saussage from freezer and fry it. for my lunch . what a lonely House its always like this now and then. well even tough i think i get used to. but dunno why i feel sad.

Ok im gonna playing this i use the console and login it. tutututututu there some weird music when i try to login "ah i forgot to say that greatest word ever that i really want to say, link starto :3".

"welcome...may i know what is youur name ?".

"Ari" .... "sorry nick name has been used"

"what the **** Perfect Killer"..... "sorry there's forbiden word, cant be use space or special word ?????".

"didnt name in those novel had space why cant i use it"..... "sorry i cant answerd that please put your name".

Rasengan .... used .... Luffy ... used ....Xenovia ...used .... Harrypotteer.... used what the**** i put double ee there who is so crazy for using that nick. Goku657....used.....Miyakalifa.....used.... "oh my god its hard to pick nick name"